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[Games] Re: Nikki's Congrats Round 7 (Atheistia - HeidiAnn)
in reply to a message by Nikki
UN: Anna Kate
LN: Bishop
DH: August James Bishop
DW: Viola Rafaela (Newton) BishopDS: Alfred Julius Bishop "Freddie"
--DW: Charlotte Ruby (Ferrell) Bishop
---DS: Felix Isaiah Bishop
---DS/DS: Theodore David Bishop "Theo" / Frederick John Bishop "Fred"
---DS: August Ellioy BishopDD: Harriet Virginia Bishop
--DH: Patrick Edward Johnson
---DD/DD: Lily Annika Johnson / Sophia Adeline Johnson
---DS/DS/DS: Stefan Axel Johnson / Ezra Peregrine Johnson / Matthias Thor Johnson
---DD: Charlotte Calliope JohnsonDD: Flora Minerva Bishop Blackwell
--DH: Johan Robert Blackwell
---DS: Reuben Chase Bishop Blackwell
---DS: Alexander Jeremy Bishop Blackwell "Alex"DS/DS: Arthur Cecil Bishop / August James Jr. Bishop
--Arthur's DW: Elsa Sabine (Harrington) Bishop
---DD: Lucy Cassandra Bishop
---DS: James Rafael Bishop
--August's DW: Greta Katarina (Ford) Bishop
---DD/DD/DS: Elizabeth Iris Bishop "Eliza" / Anna Linnea Bishop / Jacob Noah Bishop DD: Tabitha Violet Bishop
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