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[Games] Re: Nikki's Congrats Round 7 (Atheistia - HeidiAnn)
in reply to a message by Nikki
UN: Eilis
LN: Eaton
DH: David Sterling
DW: Viola Adele (Clarke) EatonDS: Daniel Bennett Eaton "Danny"
--DW: Cynthia Abigail (Albright) Eaton
---DD/DS: Rose Georgia Eaton / Patrick Robert Eaton
---DD: Jane Pamela Eaton
---DD: Lorraine Maria EatonDD: Katharine Joanna (Eaton) Howe "Kit"
--DH: Theodore Frederick Howe "Ted"
---DS: Philip Theodore Howe
---DD: Ingrid Johanna Howe
---DD: Margot Katarina Howe
---DS: Nicolas Richard HoweDD: Rachael Mary Eaton
--DH: Rory Malcolm Byrne
---DD: Claire Patricia Byrne
---DD: Mary Bernadette ByrneDS/DS: Karl Benjamin Eaton / David Simon Eaton
--Karl's DW: Greta Mathilde Niemi-Eaton
---DD: Stina Catherine Niemi-Eaton
--David's DW: Sabine Christiane (Loukinnen) Eaton
---DD: Cassandra Elizabeth Eaton "Sandrine"DS: William Nestor Eaton
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