[Opinions] WDYT of Hector?
My husband and I were discussing this name last night. We both like it, then we were discussing teasing possibilities. Where's the hec? What the hec? heckle... I don't think these would really stick, but do you think that Hector is too tease-able?
Can you think of any nn? I don't care for Tory.
Hector doesn't seem like a baby name to me either. Baby Hector is hard to imagine, but a toddling Hector would be adorable to me.
So, what do you think?
Can you think of any nn? I don't care for Tory.
Hector doesn't seem like a baby name to me either. Baby Hector is hard to imagine, but a toddling Hector would be adorable to me.
So, what do you think?
This message was edited 6/10/2008, 3:28 PM
like it a lot
teasing? not streit forwared but...could come to mind...
it wouldn't be an issue for me though
teasing? not streit forwared but...could come to mind...
it wouldn't be an issue for me though
I immediately thought of the dolphins to be perfectly honest. But that isn't an association you will have if you live in the states, so it doesn't matter!
I'm not really sure about Hector...I saw one in the BAs the other week, which was quite pleasing, but I'm not particularly fussed.
I immediately thought of the dolphins to be perfectly honest. But that isn't an association you will have if you live in the states, so it doesn't matter!
I'm not really sure about Hector...I saw one in the BAs the other week, which was quite pleasing, but I'm not particularly fussed.
I *love* it!
I don't think it's too tease-able at all. I've loved this name for a long time now, but I can't think of a nn. I think Hector is best on its own. It's true that it doesn't sound like a baby, but I'm sure it would be easy to picture once you actually have the baby. A toddling Hector IS adorable. I say go for it.
I don't think it's too tease-able at all. I've loved this name for a long time now, but I can't think of a nn. I think Hector is best on its own. It's true that it doesn't sound like a baby, but I'm sure it would be easy to picture once you actually have the baby. A toddling Hector IS adorable. I say go for it.
I like Hector. It's only two syllables, so I don't think a nn is really necessary.
I don't like it. For some reason it makes me think of Marty Feldman (if you don't know who that is, I'll attach a picture in a second). It's not terrible, but I can only see it on a hispanic child realistically, since that's where it's mostly used nowadays.
Hank, Corey or even Het could be a nickname.
ETA: Here's Marty Feldman. He has Grave's Disease. I have no idea why Hector conjures up his image, but it does. He was a fabulous man though.

Hank, Corey or even Het could be a nickname.
ETA: Here's Marty Feldman. He has Grave's Disease. I have no idea why Hector conjures up his image, but it does. He was a fabulous man though.

This message was edited 6/10/2008, 2:15 PM
That's a horrible image to connect with the name. Maybe he played a Hector?
We aren't hispanic, but I didn't think of it as a hispanic name, but as Greek.
We aren't hispanic, but I didn't think of it as a hispanic name, but as Greek.
I just checked, and he didn't play a Hector, which is odd. He did play an Igor though, and I get the same sort of feel from Hector as I do from Igor, so maybe that's it? LOL, don't mind me, I get strange associations with a lot of names. Best not to let it influence you ;)