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[Opinions] Caroline
I am really loving the name Caroline but cant seem to find the perfect middle name for her. Do you like any from this list and also feel free to mention others too you may have in mind.Caroline Virginia
Caroline Alice
Caroline Diana
Caroline Estelle
Caroline Maria
Caroline Barbara
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I wanted to name my youngest dd Caroline Rose if I could have gotten away with it. I also like Caroline Rosanna and Caroline Rosalind. WDYT of Caroline Sophia, Caroline Susanna or Caroline Isabella?Of your combos, I like Caroline Maria (nn Cara Mia!) and Caroline Alice.
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Caroline Alice & Caroline Estelle are nice.:)
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All of these are good. I especially like Virginia and Alice. Perfect complements.I adore Caroline's simple sublime beauty. Caroline Rose? That's a bit easy.I've always liked Caroline Eleanor. Caroline Frances.I dunno, I've never thought about combos for it before. It's tough, you're right! Caroline Mary?Good luck!
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