[Opinions] Re: Middle name for Daisy
in reply to a message by Bear
Thank you so much - what a great list with some very appropriate suggestions (I studied Latin and have always loved Latin based/Ancient Roman names and I'm Irish so your Irish ideas would work well too - I haven't seen Cathleen with a C before but I guess it makes more sense that way since there is no "k" in the Irish alphabet and it looks pretty too)I love the name Amadea - I always loved Amadeus for a boy but thought it might be over the top. However, I think Amadea for a girl works beautifully; it's not at all common but not too strange either.Hesper and Lucine are beautiful names - i haven't come across them before, will add them to my list.As for Daisy combos, I think Daisy Annabel, Daisy Lucine and Daisy Jane are delightful. It hadn't occurred to me to make these combos - they are great.
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Middle name for Daisy  ·  mavornia  ·  7/7/2008, 3:01 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  Pink Princess  ·  7/7/2008, 7:32 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  hayleyskye  ·  7/7/2008, 5:51 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  Bear  ·  7/7/2008, 5:45 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  mavornia  ·  7/8/2008, 3:46 AM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  Bear  ·  7/8/2008, 4:05 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  mavornia  ·  7/8/2008, 3:37 AM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  carly_ann  ·  7/7/2008, 4:24 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  BrilliantBlue  ·  7/7/2008, 4:16 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  mavornia  ·  7/7/2008, 4:23 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  BrilliantBlue  ·  7/7/2008, 4:26 PM
is April Daisy maybe better?  ·  mavornia  ·  7/7/2008, 3:43 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  Lumiereslove  ·  7/7/2008, 3:31 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  mavornia  ·  7/7/2008, 3:41 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  Lumiereslove  ·  7/8/2008, 9:43 AM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  Joan-Ay  ·  7/7/2008, 3:19 PM
Re: Middle name for Daisy  ·  mavornia  ·  7/7/2008, 3:42 PM