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[Opinions] Camilla definitely (m)
in reply to a message by Mikah
It's much more prettier and sophisticated in both spelling and sound than Camille. The way I see them is in times gone past (I always place the name in the Victorian age for some reason), Camille would be the brash, flashy actress or dancer whilst Camilla would be the charming and shy daughter of a gentleman.Then there is the sound - kah-MEEL or kah-MEE (depending on the one you use for Camille) sounds so whiny whereas kah-MIL-a is nice and bouncy.ETA: Plus Camille reminds me of the Pleasure GELF in Red Dwarf. A space alien that looks like a giant blob of snot is a lovely association for a little girl. ;)

This message was edited 7/13/2008, 2:34 PM

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