[Opinions] Hermione
My parent's dog is expecting little pups, one of which we're entitled to if we care to take it. I'd love to name her Hermione. I think it's a very beautiful name, but don't want people thinking it's a cop out and that I named her after Hermione Granger (whom I do fancy, to tell the truth). What do you think?
In a seperate, but related thought, what do you think the names of Harry Potter characters will become very popular as the "Harry Potter generation" grows up? (Not to say that there are not many adult HP fans, such as myself, out there) I've wondered this for a while. Will there be abundances of Draco's, Luna's and Neville's? I'm not so so sure what I think about that. You?
Okay, too much yakking :)
In a seperate, but related thought, what do you think the names of Harry Potter characters will become very popular as the "Harry Potter generation" grows up? (Not to say that there are not many adult HP fans, such as myself, out there) I've wondered this for a while. Will there be abundances of Draco's, Luna's and Neville's? I'm not so so sure what I think about that. You?
Okay, too much yakking :)
Seems a mouthful for a dog
Two syllables are best when yelling for a dog, in my experience. But maybe you will use a short form, Hermy or Ione?
I like Harry and Neville. But I don't think Luna will be popular (too close to "lunatic"). And hopefully not Draco either.
Hermione would be a nice mn for a girl.
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
Two syllables are best when yelling for a dog, in my experience. But maybe you will use a short form, Hermy or Ione?
I like Harry and Neville. But I don't think Luna will be popular (too close to "lunatic"). And hopefully not Draco either.
Hermione would be a nice mn for a girl.
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
It depends on the name for me; Luna might become popular, Neville maybe (but that's more likely to be middle name territory in my view), and Draco not so much due to its negative connotations. The more common ones might enjoy a bit of a popularity surge though - Harry certainly has. It's annoying because I love the name Oliver, but I don't dare to use it as my boyfriend's surname is Wood so I'm a little worried about that connection.
I really like Hermione (and not just because of Hermione Granger). I actually picked it after the Shakespeare character, so maybe you could say that was the reason. It's part of my literary name ideas, so my boyfriend isn't too keen - I used it as a middle name with Ayla.
'If I love you, what business is it of yours?'
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
!!!!!!!! - Ophelia, Jesse, Tim, Kathryn, Sofia, Marianne, Lucas and Jaime
?????????? - Adrian, Oscar, Lola, Annabelle, Juliet, Matthias, Tobey, Hayley, Shana and Jacob
I really like Hermione (and not just because of Hermione Granger). I actually picked it after the Shakespeare character, so maybe you could say that was the reason. It's part of my literary name ideas, so my boyfriend isn't too keen - I used it as a middle name with Ayla.
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
!!!!!!!! - Ophelia, Jesse, Tim, Kathryn, Sofia, Marianne, Lucas and Jaime
?????????? - Adrian, Oscar, Lola, Annabelle, Juliet, Matthias, Tobey, Hayley, Shana and Jacob
I really like it for a dog, and i don't think it matters what others think - as long as you are comfortable yelling Hermione in the park, it doesn't really matter.
I used to like the name Hermione, but then Harry Potter came out, and I don't like it much anymore. Actually, I don't think that there will be abundances of Neville's, especially here in the U.S.
here in town you can tell he's been down for a while
but my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
wanna hold him, maybe i'll just sing about it
here in town you can tell he's been down for a while
but my god it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
wanna hold him, maybe i'll just sing about it
I prefer it as a human name.It's my aunts name and the way we say it,it doesn't sound British at all.
I've always liked Luna.Just because the names are in Hp doesn't mean real people can't have them.
I've always liked Luna.Just because the names are in Hp doesn't mean real people can't have them.
Hermione is better for a dog than a person imo. It's just clunky and cumbersome imo, though I do like the British flavor and classiness of it (and uncommonness, too, despite being "Harry Potter- trendy" lol). I just don't like any nn's for it that I can think of, so I would even think it would be odd to call a dog. "Hey, Hermione, come here." :-


Hermione...I think it's kinda cute!
What kind of dog is it?
What kind of dog is it?