[Opinions] Laney or Alora?
Delaney "Laney" or Alora? Help me choose the best one.
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I prefer Delaney over Alora, but between Laney and Alora -- definitely Alora! I don't like Laney - I think it sounds babyish.
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Alora FOR SURE!!I think Delaney is pretty but I much rather prefer Alora. It sounds and looks a lot pretty and seems more elegant.
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I have no choice but to vote for Alora......because that's my name. Well, surname, actually. Oh, and its beautiful.

This message was edited 8/7/2008, 4:15 PM

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What's the origin of Alora? It sounds like the Italian word "Allora" which means "Well then" or "So". For that reason, I would shy away from it. Also, it would get confused with Laura. But it is pretty :)I don't usually like surnames as first names at all, let alone on girls, but I actually think Delaney is really pretty. But Laney sounds kind of whiny to me. I'd pick Delaney, but call her by her full name.
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Alora, no question.
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Not crazy about either, but Delaney is better (I wouldn't like Laney by itself). I like a lot of -ora names but not Alora.
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I think they are both beautiful names, but I really like the name Laney.
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I prefer Alora. I like Elora and Eliora better though. Delaney "Laney" is okay, but it's never been all that appealing to me.
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Delaney, with or without the nickname Laney. I really dislike Alora.Array
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I like them both, but I think Alora would age better on someone :)
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