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[Facts] Lymberry/Lymbery surname origins and meaning?
Hi, I'm looking for the origin and meaning of the surname: Lymberry/Lymbery. I believe it could be Welsh or English.
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my grandmother 's maiden name was Lymberry. Her family came over from Ireland during the depression but way back were rather better off and lived in
Kilcop house near waterford (woden'sfjiord) Her father was a well to do timber merchant and she grewup as quite a well educated young lady with dancing lessons etc of which we have photos....bla bla bla so yes I think it is Irish in origen but may well have been rich protedtants appropriating catholic property perhaps at the time of the vinegar hill battle and all that jazz. hope this helps,with reguards from a 1/4 lymberry lass!
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This belongs in the surnames board. closest I can come is 1493 mention of a locality Lyndebury in the county of Bedford. the next is the first Lymbery of Kilcop house who came over with Cromwell in 1653. Lynde here is the Lime/Linden (basswood), bury, borough and bery probably refer to an orchard (barrow), not a walled city/town (borough is then a false back formation). in this context the Lind/Lime is grown for its flowers and associated beehives.

This message was edited 12/15/2022, 1:03 PM

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