[Opinions] Re: Jocelyn, Ivory, and Morgan
by Elinor (guest)
9/26/2008, 8:15 AM
What do you think of Jocelyn, Ivory, and Morgan on girls?
I like all three of them. Sometimes I go right off Jocelyn, thinking it sounds like a synthetic fabric, but right now I think it's fine.
Ivory is very pretty. It would be considered "out there" where I live but it helps that it sounds like a name; it has the rhythm of Emily, Stephanie, Bethany, Melody etc and the similarity to Ivy and to Ebony, which are established names.
I love Morgan on both sexes, which covers Morgan on a boy as well. I dislike Jocelyn on a boy intensely. Never met one, could not imagine why, of all the men's names out there (unisex included), a parent might think Jocelyn was a good solid name for a son.
And Ivory on a boy...Isn't there someone vaguely famous with this name? I dislike word names on boys with just one or two exceptions. Ivory is probably better than anything floral or gemstone-related, but still. (If this makes me sound closed-minded, I'm really not! But I can only form a proper opinion about a name when I visualise it on a person. Although you say 'in theory', I know.)