[Opinions] Billie for a girl ?
I'm not a big fan of boys names on girls but lately I kind of like Billie on a girl. WDYT ? Would you spell it Billie ? Or Billi etc ?Of course I wouldn't use it as the full name. WDYTO Liliana, Lilian nn Billie ?
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I've always liked Billie on a girl actually, not sure why. I would use it as a full name, because I don't like any longer names for it!
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Like itI've always liked it. Makes me think of Billie Holiday. :) Two types of Billies come to mind: a little tomboy from the country or a sassy, smouldering heartbreaker (perhaps they're the same person; as a child and then a woman). I could see it as a full name, the bearer would just have to carry it well. I would only spell it Billie.Billie is a nice and unexpected nn for Liliana / Lilian.
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WilhelminaI would like Billy only as a nn for Wilhelmina
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I really like it, and I'd spell it Billie, like you have. I think it could work as a nn for Willa or Wilhelmina (I prefer Willa). It could work for Liliana/Lilian too. I don't like those names, so the nn would be even better in that case lol.
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for a girl, I like Billi better than Billie for spelling... It's kinda cute. I like it.
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IckBillie on a girl sounds like a redneck. Which is odd that I still think that because I have an aunt named Billie, and she's not a redneck. But I really really don't like it.Lily is very nice though.
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Reminds me of Billie Piper. I like it; it's got spunk.
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I love it
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I like itMs Holiday made me love Billie for a girl, as long as it's a nn for something obviously feminine like Wilhelmina / Willa. Besides Ms Holiday, Billie makes me think of WWII Era in general and Rosie the Riveter types with a "can-do" attitude. They were strong before it was cool to be strong. I'm strict with formal names, but I make up for it with being very lax when it comes to nns. That's the place for creativity / whimsy / affection to shine. I can see Doodlebug or Honey-Buckets-of-Oats as a nn for Liliana / Lilian so Billie works fine to me. :-)The fact that Billy is traditionally a boy's name doesn't bother me because there's no way anyone will think Billie / Billy is "only" for a girl. There's no danger that the name will "turn" into a girl's name. Does that make sense?

This message was edited 10/1/2008, 12:52 PM

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I love Billie - as a name in it's own right - (Billie Holiday is an amazing namesake). As a nickname for Liliana it doesn't seem to quite work for me. Do you like Bilyana or Bellona?
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I hate Billie for a girl, sorry.
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I'm going to be very uncharacteristic...... and say that I'm really not a fan of the idea. Billie/Billy/Billi/Billeih and so on just sound so redneck on a girl. No offence anybody, just my opinion.And, here is where I'm going to be REALLY uncharacteristic and say that I think Lilian nn Lily would be far better.
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I've always disliked Billie on a girl. Kaylee Cuoco's character on the TV show Charmed made me dislike it slightly less but I'm still not sold. I esp dislike it as a nn for Lillian. It seems out of place.
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I like Billie for a girl, just on it's own too!There's a story about a little girl called Billie in today's Sydney Morning Herald - http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/disabled-left-stranded-by-health-system/2008/10/01/1222651172323.htmlAnd SMH journalist Peter FitzSimons has a little girl called Billi too.
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I like Liliana. Billie is okay though.

This message was edited 10/1/2008, 12:28 PM

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If that works for you, then Liliana and Lillian are fine. Most Billies I know are actually called Belinda though.
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