[Opinions] Tehya and Sundari
Here are two names to ponder, Tehya and Sundari, both girls. Have any of you heard either of them before?
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nope... what are their origins?
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I think that Tehya came from the Native American language and Sundari came from Sundara.
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Sundari is lovely. Tehya looks pretty but I would need to know exactly how it's prn. Do you know the ethnic origins of these names?
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It's pronounced t-A-ya. Mom said that one's Indian and the other is Native American. I think that Sundari is the Indian one.
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To me Tehya looks like a mispelling of Thea. Sundari looks very pretty and I love the sound (I'm prn it soon-DAHR-ee). Does Sundari come from the masculine Sundara, just out of curiosity because I would love to know the origins.

This message was edited 10/27/2008, 5:36 PM

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It's supposed to pronounced that way, but we pronounced it sun instead soon. I'm not sure where it came from, my mom said their dad read a book with a little girl named Sundari when he was little and always wanted to name his daughter it, but I think you are right.
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