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[Surname] Does anyone know the meaning of the German surname SCHOER?
I was just wondering if ne1 knew what schoer meant. it usually has two dots above the O which means it is pronounced Sherr or something like that.~....:I HAVE A FOOD PROCESSOR OLDER THAN U:...~
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At the moment this surname still exists in Germany, but it is rather regional.
You pronounce the "o" with two dots like "ir" in fir an "oe" in german has the same pronounciation as the o with two dots.
I am not sure about the meaning ot could be an occupational surname deriving from "Schue". Shoemaker??Regards
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So now I can tell you! In fact schoer has derived from "shoemaker".
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This is interesting. As I can't find anything about this name, I would like to know: Where did you get the information? And what exactly is the etymology? The closest I could get was SCHRÖDER for a shoe-maker. But this is still some way … State your sources!Andy ;—)
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