[Opinions] Shannon?
What do you think of Shannon Olivia?
Are the initials SOS too much?
Are the initials SOS too much?
I think Shannon Olivia is so pretty! I love Shannon. Some might think it's a bit 70s/80s but I love it, and there won't be 5 other Shannons in her class. I love Olivia, it's beautiful as either a first or middle name.
I think that it is an adorable name@!
I agree with Carla, Olivia Shannon sounds nicer. It's a shame Olivia as a fn is out :(
Aside from that, I think the repeated 'o' sound doesn't flow that well.
Aside from that, I think the repeated 'o' sound doesn't flow that well.
Not bad at all. Shannon isn't a huge favorite of mine, but I like that it's recognizable while not being overused or trendy. Olivia is a nice feminine, classy mn choice. SOS might be a little cutesy for initials, but not bad at all. :b
ETA: What about Shannon Amelia?

ETA: What about Shannon Amelia?

This message was edited 10/18/2005, 11:10 AM
I love Shannon-it's one of my favorite girl names. The combo sounds nice and I don't think the initials are a big deal. Some bad initials I would say no way to-but these don't seem too bad.
Well plain and simple I dont like shannon, I have personal reasons regarding a horrible girl with this name, Hum sos..I dont know depends really.
"Shoot for the moon because even if you fail you'll fall amoung the stars"
I personally like Shannon much more than Olivia, but I think they go together well. It has a nice sound to it. :-) The initials wouldn't bother me, either.


Middle name for Sofia?
Can you think of a middle name that goes with Sofia?
Can you think of a middle name that goes with Sofia?
I love Sofia Rose.
I also know a baby named Sophia Annaliese. Very pretty.
I also know a baby named Sophia Annaliese. Very pretty.
don't love it... what about Olivia Shannon?
Olivia is already used in our family, so it could only be a middle name for us.
Any other suggestions for a middle name for Shannon?
Any other suggestions for a middle name for Shannon?
What about Shannon Maria?
Thanks for the suggestion, but Marie/Maria just aren't my style.