[Opinions] Brielle
What do you think of this name.
Do you think this sounds like a complete name or is it too made up?
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I think it's pretty, although I wouldn't use it. I know a Brielle though. She's about 10.
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I think it's pretty and other people have used it.
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I dislike it. It's very trendy, and is really just a nickname for Gabrielle. I think it sounds a bit cheap.
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Sorry, but I really, really, really don't like it. I don't like the look of it and I don't like the sound of it.
But I don't think it sounds like a made up name.
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Eh, I like it but it feels way to trendy for me to actually considering using and I think Brie is tacky sounding. I think it makes a good middle name though.
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I'm not a huge fan of it. I think it can stand on its own but I'd rather see it as a nn for Gabrielle.
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