[Games] CAF with elves (kind of)
Ok here is how it works. I will post the photo of each one of the elves (7 boys 1 girl). I will also post some names with their meaning and all you have to do is to choose 3 names for each elf. It’s quite easy.
Have fun!!!
Ok the elves:
Fëanáro "Spirit of Fire", Maitimo "Well-shaped One", Russandol "Copper-top", Makalaurë "Gold-cleaver", Tyelcormo "Hasty-riser", Carnistir "Red-face", Atarinkë "Little Father", Ambarussa "top-russet", Umbarto "The Fated", Ambarto "Upwards-exalted", Aracáno "High Chieftain", Findekáno "Skilled Hero", Turukáno "Ruling Lord", Ingalaurë "Inga-gold", Findaráto "Golden-Haired Champion", Angaráto "Iron Champion", Angamaitë "iron-handed", Aikanáro "Fell Fire", Gil-galad "Starlight", Ereinion "Scion of Kings", Eärendil "Devoted to the Sea", Amroth "up-climber", Thalion "Hero", Tar-Palantir "The Far-sighted", Tar-Minyatur "High First-Lord", Vardamir "Jewel of Queen of the stars", Nólimon "Man of Knowledge", Atanalcar "Man of Glory", Amandil "Devoted to Aman", Eärendur "Servant of the Sea", Meneldur "Servant of the Heavens", Írimon "Beautiful Man", Elentirmo "Star Watcher", Tar-Aldarion "Son of the trees", Tar-Anárion "Son of the Sun", Isilmo "Man of the Moon", Tar Minastir "Tower Watcher", Tar-Ciryatan "Ship-builder",
Itarilde "Sparkling Brilliance", Eldalote "High-elven Flower", Aredhel "noble Elf", Almiel “Daughter of Good Fortune”, Almarian "maiden garlanded with good fortune", Isilme “moonlight”, Vardilme “devoted to the queen of the stars”, Silmarien "She of the Shining Light", Tindomiel “Morning Star”, Tar-Elestirne “Star-brow”, Nessanie “The youngest”, Lindisse "She of the Song", Lindorie either "High Crown of Fair Beauty" or "Rising Beauty", Tar-Míriel "Jewel-daughter", Itarilde "Sparkling Brilliance", Anaire “Holiest”, Gilraen "(Lady) netted with Stars", Ar-Feiniel "noble white lady", Tar-Ancalime "Most bright”.
Have fun!!!
Ok the elves:








Fëanáro "Spirit of Fire", Maitimo "Well-shaped One", Russandol "Copper-top", Makalaurë "Gold-cleaver", Tyelcormo "Hasty-riser", Carnistir "Red-face", Atarinkë "Little Father", Ambarussa "top-russet", Umbarto "The Fated", Ambarto "Upwards-exalted", Aracáno "High Chieftain", Findekáno "Skilled Hero", Turukáno "Ruling Lord", Ingalaurë "Inga-gold", Findaráto "Golden-Haired Champion", Angaráto "Iron Champion", Angamaitë "iron-handed", Aikanáro "Fell Fire", Gil-galad "Starlight", Ereinion "Scion of Kings", Eärendil "Devoted to the Sea", Amroth "up-climber", Thalion "Hero", Tar-Palantir "The Far-sighted", Tar-Minyatur "High First-Lord", Vardamir "Jewel of Queen of the stars", Nólimon "Man of Knowledge", Atanalcar "Man of Glory", Amandil "Devoted to Aman", Eärendur "Servant of the Sea", Meneldur "Servant of the Heavens", Írimon "Beautiful Man", Elentirmo "Star Watcher", Tar-Aldarion "Son of the trees", Tar-Anárion "Son of the Sun", Isilmo "Man of the Moon", Tar Minastir "Tower Watcher", Tar-Ciryatan "Ship-builder",
Itarilde "Sparkling Brilliance", Eldalote "High-elven Flower", Aredhel "noble Elf", Almiel “Daughter of Good Fortune”, Almarian "maiden garlanded with good fortune", Isilme “moonlight”, Vardilme “devoted to the queen of the stars”, Silmarien "She of the Shining Light", Tindomiel “Morning Star”, Tar-Elestirne “Star-brow”, Nessanie “The youngest”, Lindisse "She of the Song", Lindorie either "High Crown of Fair Beauty" or "Rising Beauty", Tar-Míriel "Jewel-daughter", Itarilde "Sparkling Brilliance", Anaire “Holiest”, Gilraen "(Lady) netted with Stars", Ar-Feiniel "noble white lady", Tar-Ancalime "Most bright”.
This message was edited 12/7/2008, 3:43 PM
Did you draw them?
What "language" are the names in?
1. Gil-galad Eärendil Thalion
2. Nólimon Maitimo Isilmo
3. Ingalaurë Nólimon Makalaurë
4. Atanalcar Tar-Aldarion Tyelcormo
5. Írimon Tar-Palantir Elentirmo
6. Fëanáro Tar-Anárion Ereinion
7. Russandol Aikanáro Meneldur
8. Lindisse Tar-Elestirne Gilraen
What "language" are the names in?
1. Gil-galad Eärendil Thalion
2. Nólimon Maitimo Isilmo
3. Ingalaurë Nólimon Makalaurë
4. Atanalcar Tar-Aldarion Tyelcormo
5. Írimon Tar-Palantir Elentirmo
6. Fëanáro Tar-Anárion Ereinion
7. Russandol Aikanáro Meneldur
8. Lindisse Tar-Elestirne Gilraen
Elf 1: Fëanáro Carnistir Atanalcar
Elf 2: Nólimon Eärendur Umbarto
Elf 3: Vardamir Tar-Aldarion Findekáno
Elf 4: Tyelcormo Makalaurë Aracáno
Elf 5: Angaráto Gil-galad Eärendil
Elf 6: Russandol Ambarto Tar-Minyatur
Elf 7: Elentirmo Ereinion Aikanáro
Elf 8: Isilme Ar-Feiniel Gilraen
Elf 2: Nólimon Eärendur Umbarto
Elf 3: Vardamir Tar-Aldarion Findekáno
Elf 4: Tyelcormo Makalaurë Aracáno
Elf 5: Angaráto Gil-galad Eärendil
Elf 6: Russandol Ambarto Tar-Minyatur
Elf 7: Elentirmo Ereinion Aikanáro
Elf 8: Isilme Ar-Feiniel Gilraen