Colbie C. -does the C stand for "cheese"
Emerson Sarah -*cringes*
Santa Charlotte Elizabeth -why the random
Ursula Isabel -I love this
Hebe Kira Daisy -it would be nice without
HebeFlora Hermione -
Harry Potter's friend made of flowers
Edith Jane -I like it
Artemis Blossom -love it!!
Wren Otterley -way too animal-y
Hermione Constance Eve -I would love it if they didn't have
HermioneFlorence Liberty Opal -drop
Liberty and I would like it
Divinety G. -isn't that a candy
Kitty Mary -born 1910
Edith Anne -why ruin it with Tigerlily?
Myrtle Beatrice -she was born the same day as
KittyCoco Rose -hooker
George William -great, you ruined it with Evy
Theo Paris -too nicknamey
Thor Pearson -I went to school with a boy by this name
Sidney Marmaduke John -
Marmaduke ruined it for me
Jon Oakley -just like what Whittaker did here
Cameron Robert -and Huxley
Jaffar -bad guy on
Giles David -I like it
Oliver Eden -ditto
Gilbert Rupert Thomas -born 1920
Theodore Barclay Raven -
Raven seems so out of place
Archibald James -and he was born in 2008?
Linus Merlin Alexander -
Charlie Brown's friend + wizard + the Great=?