[Facts] Nelirosala? (Arabic; I'm fairly sure)
I don't really know any origin and I'm not certain that it's Arabic. It's a female's name. Any idea of the true origin or meaning? Thanks for any help.
A question that drives me hazy: Am I or the others crazy?-Albert Einstein
A question that drives me hazy: Am I or the others crazy?-Albert Einstein

This message was edited 1/16/2009, 2:24 PM
As a former Arabic student who used to live in Jordan I can only say that Nelirosala does not strike me as an Arabic name (Arabic names have a certain structure and consists normally of three 'root' letters. This is not the case here and that's why I think this name probably isn't Arabic). My best guess is that it might be a name with a Persian origin. Unfortunately I don't know enough Persian to help you further.