[Opinions] Hugo vs. Hugh
Which do you prefer, and why?I've long secretly admired Hugo because it seemed so ancient and studious to me. I've been seeing Hugh's around, though, and wondered why I don't like it as much as Hugo. Maybe it's the "go" on the end that I like so much. Somehow the vowel ending seems a little more attractive to me.
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Hugo is surprisingly popular in my French-speaking community, considering that the "H" is silent. So it comes out Ugo. (you-go).
I like Hugh. Also, I know a Hughina!
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HughinaHow would you pronounce that??
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It's Hugh(like the man's name)+eena.
This girl was named after her Father, Hugh!I don't know if it's a name, really, or made up.
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I'm not fond of either, but Hugh is definitely preferable. Hugh has a dashing British feel to it, while Hugo is big and hulking.My daughter had at one time decided to give her coming son the middle name of Hugo after Victor Hugo, but I convinced her to make it Victor instead. Phew.
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Hugo! I don't like Hugh at all. The sounds reminds me of the sound someone makes if they get hit in the stomach or is about to throw up. It's very unattractive in my opinion. Hugo on the other hand I like a lot.
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I prefer Hugh. I find Hugo a bit harsh.
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HughIt has a more pleasant sound and look. For some reason Hugo makes me think of some giant monster guy.
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Not a fan of either, but I prefer Hugo. Hugh is quite harsh to me and looks like duh or huh.
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I like Hugo a bit more than Hugh. Hugh seems incomplete to me and reminds me of "hue".
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Hugh...I love both, but I think Hugh is cuter, more sophisticated, whereas Hugo has a distinct exotic feel.
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i also think Hugo is superior, but that's just because every time anyone says Hugh, I hear "huge.":)
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