[Facts] The origin or Euphrasie?
I know it's female, and of French origin (I'm fairly sure).
A question that drives me hazy: Am I or the others crazy?-Albert Einstein
A question that drives me hazy: Am I or the others crazy?-Albert Einstein

Euphrasie is the feminine form of Euphrase, the French derivate from Euphrasius, Latin form of the Greek Εὐφράσιος, coming from εὐ, "good, well", and φράσις, "expression, language", meaning "the one who has a good expression, the one who is eloquent".
I am pretty sure that it is the French feminine form of the Greek name Euphrasios, but I don't know what it means.
There are a few mentions of Saint Euphrasius, so this would be a female version. I've also heard Eufrazije and Eufrazija.
There is also a Saint Euphrasia (http://www.ewtn.com/library/Mary/EUPHRAS.htm).
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There is also a Saint Euphrasia (http://www.ewtn.com/library/Mary/EUPHRAS.htm).
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It's got to be of Greek origin, but that form I'd imagine is French.