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[Opinions] Re: Calista & Camilla
I prefer the Callista spelling, but Calista is pretty too. It's one of those names that I can actually hear the meaning when saying it out loud -- "the most beautiful" just has to be pronounced Calista in any language.Calista Sophie (the most beautiful Sophie, see?)
Calista Esme
Calista Pearl
Calista Sandrine
Calista Jane
Calista Melanie
Calista Eleni
Calista Juno
Calista Phoebe
Calista Emily
Calista DelphineCamilla is gorgeous. I've always thought it had a light, airy quality to it.Camilla Valerie
Camilla Elodie
Camilla Seraphine
Camilla Fleur
Camilla Verity
Camilla Beatrice
Camilla Eugenia
Camilla Julia
Camilla Iris
Camilla Frances
Camilla Audrey
Camilla Niobe ("NIE-uh-bee")
Camilla Severine
Camilla Gwendolen
Camilla Praskovia / Praskoviya (I know, but it does flow nicely, doesn't it?)
Camilla Eudoxia
Camilla Roxane
Camilla Germaine
Camilla Gervaise
Camilla Jonquil
Camilla HyacinthEcclectic, eh?
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