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[Games] 10 Points Elimination (New game, I think)
Just saw this on a imdb board, and it looked pretty fun, so I adapted it to names.Basically, I put a list of ten names, with 10 points next to them. When you post, add one point to your favourite name and take one point from your least favourite name. Post the list with the modified results for the next person. When a name gets to 0 points, take it from the list.----------------------------------------------------------------------Example:Rosemary 10
Faith 10
Ada 10
Louisa 10POSTER ONE comes along, messes the points about a bit, and:Rosemary 9
Faith 11
Ada 10
Louisa 10

POSTER TWO comes along, and posts:Rosemary 8
Faith 11
Ada 11
Louisa 10and so on. Hope it makes sense.----------------------------------------------------------------------Here are the names:Andrew 10
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 10
Lachlan 10
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 10
Fiaz 10
Joseph 10
- Maria
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vote up1


Andrew 10
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 10
Lachlan 11
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 10
Fiaz 10
Joseph 9
vote up1
Andrew 10
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 10
Lachlan 11
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 9
Fiaz 10
Joseph 10
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
vote up1
Andrew 10
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 10
Lachlan 12
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 9
Fiaz 9
Joseph 10
Nikki :)Proud Mama! See My Profile!
vote up1
Andrew 11
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 10
Lachlan 12
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 9
Fiaz 8
Joseph 10
~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie
Grant William, Jude Hamilton
vote up1
Andrew 11
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 11
Lachlan 12
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 9
Fiaz 7
Joseph 10♥Michelle♥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble." - Dennis Frakes
vote up1
Andrew 11
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 11
Lachlan 13
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 9
Fiaz 6
Joseph 10
vote up1
Andrew 11
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 11
Lachlan 14
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 9
Fiaz 5
Joseph 10
vote up1
Andrew 12
Jaret 10
Ronnie 10
Anthony 10
Lachlan 14
Raymond 10
Eddie 10
Lead 9
Fiaz 5
Joseph 10
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 10
Ronnie 9
Anthony 10
Lachlan 15
Raymond 9
Eddie 9
Lead 8
Fiaz 4
Joseph 11
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 10
Ronnie 9
Anthony 10
Lachlan 16
Raymond 8
Eddie 9
Lead 8
Fiaz 4
Joseph 11
vote up1
Andrew 14
Jaret 10
Ronnie 9
Anthony 10
Lachlan 16
Raymond 8
Eddie 9
Lead 7
Fiaz 4
Joseph 11
vote up1
Andrew 14
Jaret 10
Ronnie 9
Anthony 11
Lachlan 16
Raymond 8
Eddie 9
Lead 6
Fiaz 4
Joseph 11
vote up1

Andrew 13
Jaret 9
Ronnie 8
Anthony 11
Lachlan 15
Raymond 6
Eddie 7
Lead 2
Fiaz 1
Joseph 16
vote up1
Andrew 14
Jaret 10
Ronnie 9
Anthony 11
Lachlan 17
Raymond 8
Eddie 9
Lead 5
Fiaz 4
Joseph 11
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 9
Ronnie 8
Anthony 10
Lachlan 16
Raymond 7
Eddie 8
Lead 4
Fiaz 3
Joseph 12
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 9
Ronnie 7
Anthony 10
Lachlan 16
Raymond 7
Eddie 8
Lead 5
Fiaz 3
Joseph 12
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 10
Ronnie 7
Anthony 10
Lachlan 16
Raymond 6
Eddie 8
Lead 5
Fiaz 3
Joseph 12
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 10
Ronnie 7
Anthony 10
Lachlan 16
Raymond 7
Eddie 8
Lead 4
Fiaz 3
Joseph 12
~ ☼ ~ Evy ~ ☼ ~
vote up1
Andrew 12
Jaret 10
Ronnie 7
Anthony 10
Lachlan 16
Raymond 7
Eddie 8
Lead 4
Fiaz 3
Joseph 13
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 9
Ronnie 8
Anthony 11
Lachlan 15
Raymond 6
Eddie 7
Lead 3
Fiaz 2
Joseph 14Kristen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
♥ Visit my profile, you know you want to ♥
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 9
Ronnie 8
Anthony 11
Lachlan 15
Raymond 6
Eddie 7
Lead 3
Fiaz 1
Joseph 15
Chelsea Nicole ~ My college football team is 9-0! Keep it going boys! We're making it to the playoffs for the first time ever! My h.s. football team is in the playoffs (2nd Round!) this Saturday! Let's Go Bulldogs! Especially my brother Luke!
vote up1
Andrew 13
Jaret 10
Ronnie 8
Anthony 11
Lachlan 15
Raymond 6
Eddie 7
Lead 2
Fiaz 1
Joseph 15
vote up1