[Opinions] Savannah or Victoria?
Some friends and I are trying to find out
which name is most preffered by people, Out
of Savannah and Victoria. whats ya favourite?
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I really dislike both. If these are my only choices, I pick Victoria. It, at least, is a classic.
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VictoriaI really don't like Savannah.
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Victoria only if Vicky wasn't usedSavannah is decent and been used for nigh on 150 years in America (and the UK strangely enough).
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I agree.;d
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Neither are very appealing to me, but if I had to choose I'd have to go with Savannah.
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Savannah. I HATE Victoria!
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VictoriaI have always found Savannah to be a ghastly modern bastardization of Susannah, a name I love, even though I do recognize it as a nature word. It tawdrily draws allure for those with more plebian taste from the familiarity of stately Susannah, and has eclipsed this most worthy classic. Victoria on the other hand, is a classic worth keeping.

This message was edited 5/13/2009, 7:32 PM

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Victoria definately.
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VictoriaSavannah is just blergh.
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Savannah irks me. I always want to turn it into Susannah in my mind. I doubt it will stand the test of time well anyway.Victoria is a classic that will wear well over time.
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I like both of them, but I think I prefer Victoria. Savannah seems a little too of-the-moment to me.
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