[Opinions] Unity
What do you think of Unity as a girl's name?I have a thing for wall-flowers. U is such a neglected vowel, there aren't many feminine (or masculine) U names out there. So when I come across one I like it's that much more appealing.There are some down sides, though. As a virtue, unity is not up there with mercy, honor or verity for me. And then the whole Unity Mitford association is not great. (But her parents sure were name nerds: "Unity Valkyrie Mitford" is very chic.)But I still like Unity as a name. It just has a certain *je ne sais quois* about it that attracts me. What do you think? Combos?(I can only stay around for about 1/2 an hour. Then I'll be back this afternoon to read any comments. Thanks in advance.)
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It's not my style, really - I feel it ought to be as it's a nice word, but it's almost too much of a word, if that makes sense.Una is my favourite 'U' name.
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I like it as a GP. I will never use it in real life
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I want to like Unity, I really do. All I can think of, though, is Unity Mitford, and it's like getting a fistful of fascist, Hitler-loving wack-a-doo. It's a shame because "unity" really is a lovely sentiment. Sorry.
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lolThanks anyway. (Still giggling at "a fistful of fascist, Hitler-loving wack-a-doo." Why couldn't they have named her Mary or Helen, something with tons of other associations?)
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I rather like Unity, all Mitford-associations aside. It's a rather quirky choice.Unity Edwina
Unity Theodosia
Unity Dorothea
Unity Amabel
Unity Georgina
Unity Georgiana
Unity Priscilla
Unity Thomasina
Unity Ramona
Unity Josephine
Unity Aurelia
Unity Lucrèce
Unity Thérèse
Unity Elspeth
Unity Henrietta
Unity Sigrid
Unity Naamah
Unity Lenore
Unity Azalea
Unity Norma
Unity Cecilia
Unity Eleanor
Unity Seraphina
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Quirky. The very word. My favorites from your lovley list:Unity Edwina (fun!)
Unity Theodosia (two for two so far, this is going to be good)
Unity Dorothea
Unity Georgina
Unity Thomasina / Thomasine
Unity Josephine
Unity Aurelia ("golden unity" -- it sounds like something out of mythology)
Unity Lucrece (wow)
Unity Elspeth (quirky goodness)
Unity Henrietta
Unity Eleanor / Lenore (Lenore is one of my "go-to" mns)Thanks!
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It's cute. I like the nickname Unie (Yunie) probably because it reminds me of my favorite video game
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I hadn't thought about nns. Unie is cute, like a unicycle almost. :-)Thanks.
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I don't like it. I don't know why...I just don't.
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OK. :-)
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Although I admire unity as a virtue, I can't help but resent it as a name -- the sound doesn't appeal to me.Also, I just researched Unity Mitford on Wikipedia...*cringes*
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Yeah. Terrible role model. Bad juju?Thanks for the input.
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I like it
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Yay! Thanks.
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Thanks. Loads of goodies here:Unity Charlotte
Unity Demelza (fun!)
Unity Diana (two Mitford sisters for the price of one. Oh, except both of them were Fascists. Maybe not this one afterall.)
Unity Frances
Unity Frederica (fun!)
Unity Georgina
Unity Henrietta
Unity Helena
Unity Imogen (revenge of the neglected vowels)
Unity Josephine
Unity Katharine
Unity Morwenna (LOVE it. This is in first place as *the* combo right now)
Unity Philippa
Unity Paulina (oh, second place)
Unity Rosamund
Many thanks!
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Glad you like them! :)
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Unity is a virtue? I'm not really sure how that works. Aren't virtues character traits? Like Mercy = someone who is merciful; Verity = truthful; Honor = honorable. So, Unity = someone who is united … with what?Anyway, it's a pretty name. It's a nice sentiment, though unity could be a unity of anything so I suppose sometimes it could be a bad sentiment. But the same can be said of Harmony, which I adore. Unity Adela
Unity Adelaide
Unity Athena
Unity Flora
Unity Lovisa
Unity Mathilde
Unity Leona
Unity Jean
Unity Sabine
Unity Tamar
Unity Thalia
Unity Pax
Unity Aglaia
Unity Astraea

This message was edited 5/22/2009, 10:22 AM

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I was thinking of unity as a virtue in the sense of standing together in a common cause. Not a traditional virtue, I grant.Your list is terrific. My favorites are Unity Adelaide, Unity Lovisa (fun!), Unity Thalia, Unity Aglaia and Unity Astraea. Thanks!
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I am not a huge fan quite honestly. I don't hate it, but it just doesn't do anything for me. Unity Bridget comes to mind,
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AgreeIt's not bad, it just doesn't do anything fo me.
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Unity Bridget is great. That's just the sort of WWII / Mitford era style that I was thinking of. Thanks!
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I love that too. Very Irish considering..Unity was used a bit there (and in Scotland)harking back to the turn of the 19th century. I've heard that Úna was 'anglicised' and connected with similar sounding names such as Juno and Unity.Unity Bridget is lovely.

This message was edited 5/22/2009, 5:43 PM

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I'm glad you like it! :)
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