[Facts] origin of the name Reingard
Hi - Under all circumstances I want to make sure that everybody knows that REINGARD is a Dutch name and not German. This is very important (at least for me). To write this down I registered. Thank you!!!!
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I have no idea why this should be important for you. But obviously you are mistaken:
Rosa and Volker Kohlheim (Das große Vornamenlexikon) start their entry: "Old German fem. forename"
W.Seibicke (Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch) lists some 25 examples of German bearers from the early 18th century on
E. Förstemann (Altdeutsche Personennamen) gives some 15 Reingards (in various forms) from the 9th century onI don't know whether the name is used much in the Netherlands (it seems to be rather rare in Germany). It is of Germanic origin and definitely older than any "Germany", but it has been used in this country over a number of centuries - so what exactly is your point?
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