[Opinions] Brenda
Im not sure if Id mentioned this before but my other grandmother's name is Brenda and I really would love to honor her but I dont know if I like Brenda or not. What do you all think of a little baby Brenda today?
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Not for me.I don't care about it being dated, I just find it really grotesque, sorry. General sound and many bad personal associations have really ruined it for me.I'm not a fan of Brenna but I prefer that more.
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It sounds too dated IMO. I would use it as a middle name only.
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I think that the name is distanced enough from its original burst of popularity to be a good choice. It peaked at #11 over forty years ago and has declined a great deal. It's nice to honour your grandmother and I think that Brenda will soon be due for a bit of a revival, though it isn't as unheard-of as some of the older-sounding grandmother names.
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I'm not a huge fan of it, I think it's more appropriate for someone older, born in the 60's, 70's, or 80's. I agree with Aine, though, where she says Brenna (or even Bree, Brea, Brianna/Breanne, etc) would be better! You could get creative and try Brenley or something, too.
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I really dislike Brenda. It is clunky and dated. As a mn it wouldn't be too bad. I far prefer Brenna which I quite like.
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