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[Opinions] Margaret
As I'm sure most of you know, this will be the baby's name if it's a girl. I know what kind of impressions I get from it, but I was just curious what sort of impressions you get from it? What sort of girl do you picture? And what about the nickname Maggie? Which is your favorite nickname for Margaret?
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In all honesty, I can't picture a baby or girl Margaret and I have tried! This is because where I'm from it's only middle aged and elderly women who have this name.I've known a lot of Margarets and they have always been very sensible, organised people, the sort of people who are on lots of committees. Maggie I find slightly easier to picture on someone young but again, it's still a bit middle-aged for me. Maggies tend to be more outgoing and louder than Margarets in my experience.I guess my favourite nicknames would be Maisie or Meg but overall it's not one of my favourite names at all. Sorry!
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Margaret is nice and I prefer Margaret. dont like any nicknames for it
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I just can't stand the sound of it. I only know one Margaret, and she's in her 80s. I like her, but I don't like her name. Maggie is a nice nickname. The name of a girl in one of my favorite books. Meg, maybe. I have trouble seeing it on a younger girl, but the girl I see is overweight, with a long braid down her back.

This message was edited 7/22/2009, 7:59 PM

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I have an Aunt named Margaret. She's obsessed with religion, and really uptight. Because of her I have a lot of trouble liking the name. If I forget about her it is a nice name, but really serious. It's a name that expects a lot of itself. Which isn't a bad thing, I don't think. In that way it reminds me of nobility. I like the nickname Grete for Margaret. I think Maggie is a bit too obvious.
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Margaret will in all likelihood be my first daughter's name as well. So good choice :) It's a name with a strong family history for me (my mn, for one). We'll call her Maggie because I insisted on Margaret and told DH he could pick the nickname, and the only one he likes is Maggie. I prefer Margo, but Maggie is nice too.I think of Margaret as a nerd. She's got a good head on her shoulders and she's sure of herself. As a little girl, she's precocious. Later on, her nerdiness might take the form of a quiet math geek or an outspoken activist, but whatever she does, she is well-informed and smart as a whip.Maggie, on the other hand, is kind of a blur to me. The nickname has less personality in my mind than Margaret, probably because it's common enough that I've known enough Maggies with enough different personalities to keep me from making snap judgments about it.
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Forgot to say I think Daisy is an adorable nickname and want to use it as a pet name (not a "real" nickname) for my future daughter.
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The only reason I like the name Margaret is because I can use the nn Maggie. I think Maggie is adorable! I love it. It also ages very well.
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I don't picture a little girl, I picture a middle aged woman who I never liked very much. Not to say that it wouldn't be nice on a little girl, just thats the only Margaret I've known so thats what I picture.The thing I like best about Margaret is all the nn potentials. My favourite is Maisie, but I also really like Daisy, Maggie and Meg.
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Margaret just seems very old sounding to me--a good thing, though! (Rather than being disgustingly know the names I mean). I see a slightly introverted brunette when I hear this. Maggie seems like the most modern of the Margaret nicknames. However, I also like the old-fashioned Mamie or the German-sounding Gretta. And Marguerite is a favorite variant of mine.
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First of all, great choice. Margaret is a gorgeous, strong yet rarely used name.The impression I get from Margaret is that of a headstrong girl or woman. Margaret isn't frilly or trendy. Margaret is sturdy and goes at the beat of her own drummer. A Margaret would be well aware of herself, confident, and laughs a lot. Maggie is softer nickname, and all the virtues of Margaret apply, except Maggie is especially caring.My favourite nicknames for Margaret would have to be either Meg, Margot, or Molly but I'm leaning towards Meg.

This message was edited 7/22/2009, 4:56 PM

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I love Margaret. ♥ I have an aunt by that name, so I picture her and it's a really pleasant association. I don't think Margaret neccessarily needs a nickname, but I do like Maggie. I think my favourite may be Madge, though.
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I envision Margaret as being very studious, serious and proper. Maggie I see as more youthful and free-spirited, but still smart and refined. My favorite Margaret nickname is Greta.
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To me, it comes across as a solid, no-frills, old-fashioned name. I'm not the biggest fan of it but I think Maggie is sweet.
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My new little sister's name is Margaret Katherine. We're calling her "Kaity", though. I like Meg better than Maggie. There was a show on tv a looooong time ago, and they said something about the name Maggie that wasn't very flattering, and for some reason, that's the image I carry around with me now.
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Honestly? I picture a dowdy girl who keeps to herself and doesn't say much. Maggie, however, has the complete opposite feel; I picture a Maggie as someone who is full of fire and spunk. Weird how the NN can give you and entirely different impression from the full name.
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Although I love this name, I have a hard time imagining it on a little girl. I like Maggie for a nickname the best.
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I picture someone with dark hair and a pale, quite serious face. Someone clever and intellectual.I like Maggie but I think it's a shame the full name isn't used more. Most of the Margarets I know are Maggie or Mags(ugh). I like Daisy and Meg.
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I really like Margaret. I picture a girl who's shy but very sweet and also very intelligent. And I like Maggie a lot, too. Maggie and Greta are my favorite nicknames for Margaret.
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I grew up with a Margaret Ruth, nicknamed Maggie. As much as I like the name (not Maggie), the girl grew up to be one of those rich ditsy girls I can't stand. I associated Maggie more with her though since that's what we always called her so the nickname Maggie brings a terrible impression to me. I'd use Meg, because Maggie will always make me think of her. Or a dog, since there was this book I read with a Newfoundland named Maggie when I was little. Strangely I really like it on a dog.
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Was the book Peter Pan? Isn't the dog's name Maggie in that book? :)
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Well, I really like it, and I imagine a young girl with dark hair.This is the poem I associate with it:
(it's actually called Spring and Fall)Maggie spoils it I think. Where Margaret is understated, solemn, and timeless, Maggie is harsh, childish, and modern. I prefer it without a nickname, but my favorite nickname for it is Mar. Meg is kind of cute. I think Daisy as a NN for it is silly.
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That poem is rather dark and depressing. :/I do agree that Margaret and Maggie have quite different feels to them. I would agree that Maggie seems childish, and it would likely only be a childhood nickname, but I think it's soft and has a simple pioneery feel. Mar is really cute. I've never really thought of that before. I also really like Meg and would probably use that some. I too think Daisy is a silly nn.
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I love Margaret. It's classy and beautiful. My favorite nicknames are Margo and Maggie but I have a hard time settling on just one. Some days I like Margo and some days I like Maggie. Meg is also kind of cute, but I don't care for Megan. I really liked it when you said you wanted to use Meggie, but I remember you were worried people would think it was Maggie so I understand if you don't want to use it anymore.
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my 2cI do not think people would think it was Maggie. :)
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I'm not sure if someone would confuse Meggie and Maggie because I've never known someone named Meggie, but I just remember that was a concern Llewella had.
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YeahI still do have that concern, but it's not a huge deal. We're not putting a lot of thought into nicknames anyway because they just kind of happen, it seems. I didn't think Ben would get called Benji ever and he does. I also call him Ben Ben a lot. So you never know! Maybe Maggie or Meggie won't seem to fit her at all or maybe I'll start calling her Margo and Nick might get on board finally.
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agreeI knew a girl who went by Meggie.
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I love the name Margaret! I think it's classical and beautiful. I don't however like Maggie for a nickname. To me Maggie sounds childish and makes me think of a shy and insecure young girl. Personally, I'd try to keep Margaret as is and not allow it to be shortened. But as for nicknames, I think Daisy is the best. Most people don't associate Daisy with Margaret though, so that may be difficult. Gretel is nice, if you don't mind the more foreign sound. Of the commond nicknames, I most prefer Meg. I think Meg is very sweet.
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MegI really like Meg too. I'm sure I'd end up calling her Meg sometimes because it's so nice and short. I too think Maggie sounds kind of childish, so maybe it would only be a childhood nickname. I do like Margaret on its own too.
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I like the name. I also like the nn Maggie. I personally prefer Margot. But Margaret is nice. My impression of the name is a good one. I think of it as a classy old fashioned name.
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I love Maggie! I dont have a very good connection with a Margaret, as she is pure evil, but I dont see anything wrong with the name.. other than it kind of sounds granny like to me.
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oops! sorry, I always post in the wrong spot...=/
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