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[Surname] Italian surnames
I would like to know the origin and the meaning of the following surnames:Frigerio (Northern Italy)
Pedranzini (Lombardy)Thanks in advanceRegards
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Bertelli means "son of Bertello", which is, like Bertino, a diminutive form of Berto, which comes from the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright", possibly Berto is short for names like Roberto and Alberto.[...Frigeri è mantovano ed emiliano, Frigerio è lombardo delle provincie di Varese, Como, Lecco, Bergamo, Brescia e Milano, una possibile origine è dal cognome austriaco Fritscher (si pronuncia fricer o friger), un'altra possibilità è la derivazione dal nome goto Frigeridus , meno probabile, vista l'attuale concentrazione e diffusione una derivazione dal tardo latino frigerius (colui che fa fresco)....]translated:
Frigeri is from Mantua and Emilia, Frigerio is from Lombardy from provinces Varese, Como, Lecco, Bergamo, Brescia and Milan, a possible origin is from the Austrian surname Fritscher (pronunciated as fricer or friger), another possibility is the derivation of the Gothic name Frigeridus, less probable, seen the actual concentration and diffusion a derivation of the Late Latin frigerius ("he who makes fresh").[....Specifico della lombardia centro occidentale, potrebbe derivare da un soprannome originato dal vocabolo dialettale milanese pedersin (pellicina, estremità dei sacchi, per dove si prendono per scuoterli), come potrebbe essere anche una modificazione dal nome dialettale Peder (Pietro) o dal nome medioevale italiano, o anche spagnolo, Pedro....]translated:
Specifically from Lombardy, occidental center, could derive from a nickname originating in the dialectal milanese word pedersin (little skin, extremity of sacks, for where they are taken in order to shake them????), which could be also a modification of the dialectal name Peder (Pietro) or from the Italian as well as Spanish medieval name Pedro.source:
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fuck you
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I'm sorry but the second Italian text is about Pedrazzini, which seems to me as an obvious variation of Pedranzini, or the other way round if you like.
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Cant be sure of how accurate this is but try

This message was edited 11/16/2005, 5:03 AM

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