[Opinions] WDYT of Eulalia?

I really like this name, but I wonder is it too much? Is "you lay" a problem (esp. in a girl's name)?Thoughts, and thanks!
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I love the name, but I am more fond of the pronunciation in languages other than English (especially the Spanish, eh-oo-LA-lee-ah and the Greek ef-lah-LEE-ah). It is one of those random names that I have never heard anyone say in English, so I wasn't even aware of the English pronunciation with lay instead of la in the middle until now. It's ridiculous that I knew how to say it in other languages before I knew how to say it in my mother tongue.
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UkuleleWhile I enjoy seeing it, it reminds me too much of ukulele.

This message was edited 9/14/2009, 10:56 AM

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Me tooThat's all I think of. Not that ukeleles are bad, but it just makes the name seem comical.
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I agree.=]
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I think it's a beautiful, underused name. I can never decide if I like Eulalie or Eulalia better.

This message was edited 9/14/2009, 10:20 AM

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I like it, but prefer Eulalie. Eulalia is a little too frilly, while Eulalie has a bit of a hipper, more accessible feel to it. Plus, Poe! I think I might be pronouncing it differently than you, because I'm not getting the "you lay" - I'm saying it "Yoo-LAH-lee-ah". Perhaps that's incorrect, but its my instinctual pronunciation.
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I prefer Eulalie as well, but with the pn YOU-la-lee.
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