[Opinions] Hugh or Hugo?
Please say which you prefer, why you prefer it and any associations etc that you might have. Would either one be strange if used today?Thanks!
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Hugh. Like the sound more and actually know a couple of child Hughs.
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HughI like Hugh best.
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HugoIt's got a friendly sound, and it sounds less old-fashioned to me than Hugh. I know several Hugos and quite a few people called Huw, but I don't think I've ever met a Hugh.
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HughMy friend has a little brother named Hugh (she was about 11 or something when he was born) and it suits him very well, it's cute. I mostly prefer it over Hugo (although Hugo isn't bad either, I don't mind it) because it's just nicer. It's softer and it's easier to imagine on a boy or man of any age. I think they're both usable but Hugh more so.
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I think either name could be used these days without hesitation. I used to prefer Hugh, probably thanks to Hugh Jackman! I now much prefer Hugo, which is surprising because when I first heard it I didn't like it! Hugo just sounds more interesting and fun to me.

This message was edited 10/15/2009, 6:22 PM

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HughHugo is cool but, having roomed with a very intense girl whose boyfriend was called Hugo, I can assure you that it gets grating fast.
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I really can't stand Hugo...please choose Hugh.I don't know why, it's just the moment I found out Ron and Hermione Weasley had a son named Hugo, I was really turned off.
I do like Hugh though...don't know why. Just as long as he isn't called Hughie.
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I like both names quite a bit, but I will go with Hugo since he feels more complete and easy to say. I think it could definitely work today. Its a nice, strong and romantic name.
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HughHugh seems more warm, handsome, and genial. Hugo is cold and dark and rainy and makes me think of monsters.
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Aw, Hugh, but...I still love Hugo. I think a Hugh has a touch less of a teasing chance than Hugo does. But I looove Hugo. Maybe I'll use it for a puppy or something..
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My puppy is named Hugo :):D
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Haha, ditto all thisI had a hamster named Hugo once :3
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Hugh definitely. Hugo just sounds funny and odd to me. Plus I have a thing against names that end in 'o' just because they don't sound appealing to me at all.Hugh - I automatically think of Hugh Grant, Hugh Jackmann, and Hugh Laurie.
Hugo - I automatically think of Hurley from the show lost who is sometimes called Hugo.I think Hugo might sound strange on a non-Spanish or Mexican baby to most people. However I think it's stupid to not use a name just because it's generally used by a specific ethnic group that you're not.Hugh wouldn't seem strange at all if used today.
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I think Hugo might sound strange on a non-Spanish or Mexican baby to most peopleReally? Hugo is a name that is used in the whole Western world and if you look up the popularity it's ranked highly in the top 100 in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Sweden as well as in Spain.
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Well, I guess I was thinking more of where I live (the USA) rather than other parts of the world (and yes, I realize that many people on here are from all over the world :) ). I've only ever heard this name on people of Spanish or Mexican descent, and that's because the majority of people with the name Hugo in the USA are Spanish or Mexican. I live in a state where there is a large Mexican population, so it just seems normal to me to think of it as a Mexican name.My thinking was that many people in the US might see it as odd to see a non-Mexican or Spanish boy with this name solely because most people here with this name are from those ethnic groups. That is not how I feel but rather how many people here would feel. I have nothing against seeing the name Hugo on someone of any ethnicity. To not use a name just because it is from a different ethnicity from yourself is a constrictive idea.

This message was edited 10/15/2009, 12:32 PM

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HugoI think it sounds better than Hugh, and I had a landlord named Hugh who was a huge jerk.
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Hugo! And no, it wouldn't be strange if used today. I like it quite a bit though not enough to use it myself. Hugo also makes me think of Victor Hugo.I hate the sound of Hugh. It sounds like a sound you would make when you're about to throw up or when someone punches you in the stomach.
It also makes me think of Hugh Hefner (bad, bad association) and Hugh Grant (bad association, I've never liked him)
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Hugh is more 'user friendly' to meHugh and Hugo are more or less interchangeable to me as far as aesthetics and all are concerned. They may as well be the same name because my feelings on them are just about identical. But I still think there's something more "usable" about Hugh. Maybe it's because of Hugh Grant (God help me, I love Hugh Grant) or something like that but it seems more... well, usable. Hugh reminds me of a list of names that I have mentally designated "not quite" classics like Graham, Ross, Reid, Leo, Colin, and so on. Solid names with a long history of use but just not in the same place for me as William, Michael, etc. I don't know what it is that makes Hugo less friendly in practical application. It might be that something about Latinized forms being almost... archaic? Well, not as extreme as that but still "old" sounding. And of course even then not in all cases. But at least with Hugh vs. Hugo, I do get an older and maybe mustier feel from Hugo. IT does not have the more "updated" sound to me.
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Hugo is awesome. Long live Hugo!
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HughHugh. I don't think either would be strange to use as it's a personal preference anyway. I like the way Hugh sounds over Hugo.
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HugoI prefer Hugo because it actually sounds like a name, unlike Hugh which to me just sounds like someone who can't say the word who properly. Plus I went to high school with a Hugh and that's a terrible association that I have, so that doesn't help.I like Hugo. I wouldn't find either one strange used today. I'd be pleased to meet a little Hugo in fact. Very cool name.
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