[Opinions] I Just Came Across This in the BAs
It's very disputed, but the general pronouciation is nuh-VAY-ah, or nuh-VAY. But since it's not a real name, the parents could pronouce it Katherine if they wanted to.
♥ Tar

November is National Adoption Month!
♥ Tar

November is National Adoption Month!
that poor poor innocent child...
"Ignorance is bliss but it won't stand up in court."
"Ignorance is bliss but it won't stand up in court."
Anyone who named their child that probably doesn't know what the word "palindrome" means.
Probably just thought that they were two pretty names! But ick, poor girl, as if one of them weren't bad enough.
Anyone who named their child that probably doesn't know what the word "palindrome" means.
Probably just thought that they were two pretty names! But ick, poor girl, as if one of them weren't bad enough.
...I dont know what it means :S

1) You could've just googled the word or looked it up in the dictionary.
2) Aren't you just 15? Hopefully you're not having babies now (though some 15 year olds are, I know) and naming them. So more than likely, the person naming this child SHOULD know what a palindrome is. But naming a child Heaven Nevaeh doesn't lend itself to making someone think you are a well educated person. :b

2) Aren't you just 15? Hopefully you're not having babies now (though some 15 year olds are, I know) and naming them. So more than likely, the person naming this child SHOULD know what a palindrome is. But naming a child Heaven Nevaeh doesn't lend itself to making someone think you are a well educated person. :b