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[Surname] What does Kirunda mean?
Looking for the meaning if Kirunda, and also if there is a connection between the Kirunda's in Uganda and the Kirunda's in kenya
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No idea, but a quick websearch shows that the name is both forename and second name, so probably patronymic. Also a definite Ugandan bias, so perhaps Kenyan Kirundas are migrants. Or of a language group that straddles the Uganda/Kenya border. Consulting a Swahili-English dictionary has not helped.
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Ok, you'll find this interesting. There is no occurrence of this name along the Uganda/Kenya border, however, This name appears in central Kenya (several thousand miles from the border), there is a place with the same name. Any other sources you recommend?
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Maybe two closely related but geographically separate languages? Or maybe pure coincidence, as with Mori being both an Italian and a Japanese surname; or Gordon being both Scottish and Russian-Jewish. Or it could be Swahili after all.
There is a website, which is about African names. It has forums for discussion of names, including meanings. Maybe you'd have more luck there.
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