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[Opinions] Re: Ignatius....
in reply to a message by Bex
There was a top international sportsman in South Africa about 25 years ago named Ignatius and called Naas (nahs). He has a brother Darius, which I think works well.I can't take Balthazar seriously; there are so many little Isabel girls that a boy Iz or Izzie would seem odd; Caspian is very Sea and also very Narnia; what about Barnabas? It seems a more important name than Barnaby, though I like them both. Edward is brilliant with Ignatius as a mn; Anton could even work as an fn for a brother, and so could Theodore.Beatrice wins over the frilly Arabella ... Georgina? Penelope? Aurelia?

This message was edited 11/4/2009, 9:42 PM

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