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[Facts] Arabic name
I am looking for a male Arabic name. The meaning of the name I am looking for should have something to do with the desert. So far most Arabic names I have found have something to do with water, not the desert. Trying to look up words to form a name has proven impossible. The websites that allow translation translate into Arabic script. But even if I could read it, I don't understand the language enough to be able to create a name and know that it didn't sound weird.Thanks for any help you can offer.
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Imagine you live in a desert. It's brown, it's sandy, it looks pretty much the same from one side to the other (and I say that as a girl born in Albuquerque). Water - that's exciting, believe me - even big clouds were worth a mention when I was in Egypt and rain would have been a blast most afternoons. Desert? What's to say there? Would *YOU* name your son something like Walborn 'born near Walmart'? That's why you're finding the problems you're finding.It sounds like this is for a character so a bit of unsolicited advice. If you don't know the language or culture enough to realise why Arabic names don't make much mention of deserts or translate appropriate words into English then perhaps writing more realistically about a subject matter known to you would be a better use of talent? Just a thought.The Arabic for 'desert' would translate as Badieh (ba-dee-ye). You might find a pet named that. In Muslim tradition it wouldn't likely be used for a human as Mohammed was rather into 'good' names himself and such a meaning would have a hard time competing with those he gave his followers. To an Arab, it would still sound 'weird' not because it was made up but because it's not an authentic part of their naming traditions. To actually learn their naming traditions is a bit more involved.Devon
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I find no excuse at all for your rude and condescending tone. I do not need to explain my reasons why I prefer a name that refers to the desert in Arabic. Perhaps I happen to love the desert and many things in the Arab world. Just because I cannot translate in Arabic yet, does not mean that I am ignorant, or have ridiculous ideas. "Imagine you live in a desert." Well, I do, I love it, and it is exciting!
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