[Games] Re: Joiesmom's Compromise Congrats Sign up
in reply to a message by joiesmom
Hi, I'm Lily Magdalena Winslow. I'm 24 and have just started work as a historian at the Smithsonian in Washington DC. My particular specialty is ancient Egypt. I have curly dark brown hair I wear long and blue-green eyes. My interests besides history are writing, music, art, literature, and movies. I also like playing sports, although my only real athletic abilities are in horseback riding and swimming. My parents are Linda Grace Winslow, nee Bailey, and Daniel James Winslow. They're the childen of Katherine Rose Bailey, nee Carter, and Nathaniel David Bailey and Molly Amelia Winslow, nee Delaney, and Aaron Henry Winslow. I have a brother, Caleb James, who is 22 and a sister, Danielle Jane, who is 15.
This message was edited 1/8/2010, 5:25 PM
Hi Lily, my name is Jasper Robert Nixon. Let's see, where to start... Well, I'm 27 years old, and I've just finished a VERY long degree in archeology, with a special emphasis on - you guessed it, Ancient Egypt! I hope to travel there in the near future to help on a few digs, but there is also a lot of oppurtunites right here in DC for me to use to use my skills. Looks wise, I'm about 6ft 2, and am very athletic. At some point in my life I have probably played almost any sport you could name, but these days the only thing I really have time for is my daily run. I have dark brown hair that has a slight wave to it, and blue-grey eyes. What else... my mother's name is Iris Evelyn Nixon (nee Sullivan), and my dad's name is Robert Oliver Nixon, but everyone calls him Rob. I've got 2 brother's who are 25 yr old identical twins named William Thomas & Garrett Charles, but you can call them Will & Rett. I've also got a little sister who is only 17 named Eloise Paige, or Ellie. My maternal grandparents are Rose Elizabeth (nee Quentin) & Philip John Sullivan, and my paternal grandparents are Penelope Anne (nee Hutchins) & Richard Edward Nixon.
So I think that's everything - anything I've missed, feel free to ask!
So I think that's everything - anything I've missed, feel free to ask!
Jasper dear, you tell the story of how we met so well, why don't you tell it to me now? Then I'll tell the story of how you proposed, since I know you love how I tell that one. Also, we need to decide if we want to live in the city or a suburb. Personally I think the suburbs on the Maryland side are great, but if you would prefer the city or a Virginia suburb I'm fine with it. And do you want to adopt a pet, honey? I'm a dog or cat person personally.
For this round, you need to decide with your partner how you met and got married, where you will live and what type of house you live in. You may also choose and name one pet, but this is optional.
For this round, you need to decide with your partner how you met and got married, where you will live and what type of house you live in. You may also choose and name one pet, but this is optional.
Well, we met for the fist time just over 2 years ago at the Smithsonian Muesuem, strangely enough in the Anceint Egypt exhibit. I was there to do some research for my thesis on Hatshepsut , and I walked into the room lost in my own world. I rounded a corner, and there you were, just sitting on a bench looking at a display of some hieroglyphics about my subject... You had this look of intense concentration on you face, and you just took my breath away. I probably just stood there and stared at you for about 5 minutes before I could get my feet to move again, and I remember leaning over to look at the hieroglyphics over your shoulder, and when you turned around and I looked into your beautiful jade eyes, I was head over heels. Once my brain started functioning again, I asked you to dinner, and I knew that you would be the woman I would marry by the end of that very day.
You are even more beautiful now than you were then Lily, and you know that I would do anything to keep you happy - so if you would like to live in Maryland, then that would be perfectly fine with me. Hmmm... a pet... well, I think a dog would be great, perhaps a lab?
You are even more beautiful now than you were then Lily, and you know that I would do anything to keep you happy - so if you would like to live in Maryland, then that would be perfectly fine with me. Hmmm... a pet... well, I think a dog would be great, perhaps a lab?
Labs are my favorite. There's an adorable black lab puppy at the ASPCA shelter nearby. You name her, dearest Jasper.
As for how you proposed, that was on our first anniversary. I knew you were the man I wanted to spend my life with, and I had thought about bringing up the subject of marriage, but for the first time in my life I was too shy (were my friends shocked at that!) On our annniversary you took me to the operea to see La Boheme, my favorite, and then afterwards you danced me along the reflectign pool infront of the capitol in the moonlight, singing the love aria in my ear (you told me later it took you two weeks to learn it). Then we had a moonlight picnic along the pool, and when we were exchanging gifts afterwards one of mine was the most beautiful diamond ring! You dropped down to one knee beside me, and asked me to marry you, and of course I said yes. It was without doubt the most romantic evening of my life.
As for how you proposed, that was on our first anniversary. I knew you were the man I wanted to spend my life with, and I had thought about bringing up the subject of marriage, but for the first time in my life I was too shy (were my friends shocked at that!) On our annniversary you took me to the operea to see La Boheme, my favorite, and then afterwards you danced me along the reflectign pool infront of the capitol in the moonlight, singing the love aria in my ear (you told me later it took you two weeks to learn it). Then we had a moonlight picnic along the pool, and when we were exchanging gifts afterwards one of mine was the most beautiful diamond ring! You dropped down to one knee beside me, and asked me to marry you, and of course I said yes. It was without doubt the most romantic evening of my life.
I was so nervous that night, but then you said yes, and it became the best night of my life.
Hmmm... what to name our adorable new addition... Well, she's a bouncy, enthusiastic little thing, and cheeky to the point of absolute comedy - how about Jester? Jess for short. Or we could always draw inspiration from our shared passion and go with Cleopatra... what do you think Lily? Jester nn Jess, or Cleopatra nn Cleo?
Hmmm... what to name our adorable new addition... Well, she's a bouncy, enthusiastic little thing, and cheeky to the point of absolute comedy - how about Jester? Jess for short. Or we could always draw inspiration from our shared passion and go with Cleopatra... what do you think Lily? Jester nn Jess, or Cleopatra nn Cleo?
This message was edited 1/10/2010, 11:40 AM
Considering her personality, I think Jester nn Jess fits best!
It was absolutely beautiful. We had the wedding in late May, on a perfect sunny day. We rented a house on the beach for the day, and had the wedding at sunset. We spent the day locked away in different rooms so we wouldn't see one another, getting ready and greeting all the guests who came in. My sister Danielle was my maid of honor, and my best friend Nicole and your sister Ellie were my bridesmaids. Will was your best man, and you graciously allowed Caleb to be a groomsman along with Rett. A family friend of mine, Lise, helped arrange decorations and flowers, and it all looked so beautiful. All of our friends and family were there to share that happiest day of our lives with us. After the wedding, we held the reception on the front lawn of the house. we had a dance floor set up, and we danced away until midnight. Our bridesmaids and groomsmen had a surprise for us for our going-away car--not only the usual toilet-paper-and-shoes treatment, but they had exchanged our car with a Ferrari they had rented for the night! It was a great touch to what was the happiest day of my life.
Now, Jasper my love, you were telling me about a house you had found for us? Where is it, and what's it like?
Now, Jasper my love, you were telling me about a house you had found for us? Where is it, and what's it like?
I loved that Ferrari... Love, one day we are buying one of those!
Hun, you are going to adore the house, here is a picture of it:

Isn't it just perfect for our first home? It's 4 bedroom as well, so plenty of room for us to start a family.
Hun, you are going to adore the house, here is a picture of it:

Isn't it just perfect for our first home? It's 4 bedroom as well, so plenty of room for us to start a family.