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[Surname] Froe/Troe?
This is an English/Scottish last name that runs in my family. It may possibly be Norse. We are unsure of the spelling. It's pronounced "Trough"(like what horses drink from), but my grandmother pronounces Ts and Fs the same, and she's the only one that knew the last living person in our family with that last name.
Does anyone know the meaning of it? Or the origin? Or how common it is?
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Troe is Norwegian so it must be Froe which is found in England. You can see the distribution of the name at I don't know the etymology.
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It is possible it is a Norse last name as I said in the first message, if that helps at all. Oddly enough, Froe isn't showing up in any decade in the link you gave me though, including the decade that the ancestor supposedly came to America from, as from the places that she may have been from(Supposedly either the Scottish Highlands, Lincolnshire England(where her husband was from) or Norway.They married in America though.) Her first name was either Margrot or Maragret if that helps at all. But, she was born in the 1590s at the earliest, so it is possible that her family moved or died out in the decades that Ancestry has records for. Thanks though for the first link!
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