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Good-bye to Robery Arthur (because it sounds like "robbery" and I dislike Arthur) and Liberty Dawn (because it sounds cheesy). btw is Robery a typo of Robert or is it really Robery? Able Maurice
Bradlee David
Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Jaylen Stephaun
Josiah Isaiah
Keaton Andrew
Lamon Edward
Leo Christian
Logan James
Nolan Anthony
Patrick Jay
Philip Wesley
Savion NasirAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Breanna Dawn
Brooke Ann
Emma Marie
Gabrielle Olivia
Hailey Ann
Kalia Hope
Lillian Mary
Madeline Avery
Riley Claire
Sara Megan
Sofia Nicole
Sophia Marie
vote up1
Removing: Jaylen Stephaun - This is horrible IMHO.Riley Claire - Claire is nice, but I really can't stand Riley on a girl.
Able Maurice
Bradlee David
Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Josiah Isaiah
Keaton Andrew
Lamon Edward
Leo Christian
Logan James
Nolan Anthony
Patrick Jay
Philip WesleyAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Breanna Dawn
Brooke Ann
Emma Marie
Gabrielle Olivia
Hailey Ann
Kalia Hope
Lillian Mary
Sara Megan
Sofia Nicole
Sophia Marie

This message was edited 12/3/2005, 12:47 AM

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Able Maurice - Able? Enough said.
Kalia Hope - Kalia is made upBradlee David
Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Josiah Isaiah
Keaton Andrew
Lamon Edward
Leo Christian
Logan James
Nolan Anthony
Patrick Jay
Philip WesleyAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Breanna Dawn
Brooke Ann
Emma Marie
Gabrielle Olivia
Hailey Ann
Lillian Mary
Sara Megan
Sofia Nicole
Sophia Marie Check Out for thousands of custom glitterz and layouts
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Taking: Lamon Edward because what is Lamon? It looks like Lemon. And Sara Megan because it's boring and doesn't flow.Bradlee David
Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Josiah Isaiah
Leo Christian
Logan James
Nolan Anthony
Patrick Jay
Philip WesleyAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Brooke Ann
Emma Marie
Gabrielle Olivia
Hailey Ann
Lillian Mary
Sofia Nicole
Sophia Marie
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
♥ Visit my profile, you know you want to ♥
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Taking Bradlee David because I dislike trendy spellings like this and I'm taking Brooke Ann because it doesn't flow well and is too popular.Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Josiah Isaiah
Leo Christian
Logan James
Nolan Anthony
Patrick Jay
Philip WesleyAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Emma Marie
Gabrielle Olivia
Hailey Ann
Lillian Mary
Sofia Nicole
Sophia MarieImage hosted by Photobucket.comBunny, Gigi, Chloris, Wilma, Darleen, Eartha
"Any name is beautiful when it's given in love" -Me
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Taking Nolan Anthony because I just dont like the name Nolan at all especially in a FN situation and takeing Sofia Nicole ... the reason is I dont like the spelling on Sofia and I love Nicole just not with Sofia,,, really the girl names were all cuteGabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Josiah Isaiah
Leo Christian
Logan James
Patrick Jay
Philip WesleyAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Emma Marie
Gabrielle Olivia
Hailey Ann
Lillian Mary
Sophia Marie
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Taking away Josiah Isaiah because they end with the same sound...and that always seems to be awkward to say also removing Gabrielle just seems to long to me, I mean that's 7 syllables without a surname....Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Leo Christian
Logan James
Patrick Jay
Philip WesleyAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Emma Marie
Hailey Ann
Lillian Mary
Sophia Marie
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Taking Philip Wesley because I hate the name Philip and Lillian Mary because I don't like the name Lillian and hate the name Mary.Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Leo Christian
Logan James
Patrick JayAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Emma Marie
Hailey Ann
Sophia Marie
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
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Taking Logan James, because I dislike both as names, too stodgy, and Hailey Ann, because the name Hailey is totally without substance as far as I'm concerned.Gabriel Alexander
Jack Thomas
Leo Christian
Patrick JayAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Emma Marie
Sophia Marie
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Taking Jack Thomas because it flows badly and Jack is a nickname, and Emma Marie because it flows badly and is soooooo overdone.Gabriel Alexander
Leo Christian
Patrick JayAlexa Michelle
Alyssa Marie
Sophia Marie
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Taking Alyssa Marie and Leo Christian, Alyssa doesn't work for me, and Marie is to often used as a middle name; and I don't think Leo Christian flows very well.Gabriel Alexander
Patrick JayAlexa Michelle
Sophia Marie
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Taking Patrick Jay, I love Patrick but the name Jay to me is a nickname, and Alexa Michelle not very fond of this as a combo.Gabriel Alexander
Sophia Marie
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