[Facts] meaning of this name
This name is Greek in origin I believe.
Would like to know what it's true meaning is.
Thank you
Would like to know what it's true meaning is.
Thank you
Theosevia is an alternate transliteration of Theosebia.
Theosebios (the masculine form) is listed as meaning pious here:
http://www.etymologica.com/page9.htm (It is an etymology site about Greek names.)
If you are also interested in history, you may also like to see these:
http://www.antiochian.org/node/17323 (about the saint)
http://www.ancientlibrary.com/smith-bio/3427.html (about the sister of a philosopher)
Theosebios (the masculine form) is listed as meaning pious here:
http://www.etymologica.com/page9.htm (It is an etymology site about Greek names.)
If you are also interested in history, you may also like to see these:
http://www.antiochian.org/node/17323 (about the saint)
http://www.ancientlibrary.com/smith-bio/3427.html (about the sister of a philosopher)