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[Facts] Geneva and Ginevra
I know this site says that Geneva is either from Genevieve or from the city of Geneva.However, I have this book (that is reliable about 3/4 of the time) that says Geneva may be a reference to a juniper tree because the old Dutch name for the juniper tree was 'genever'. The book also says Ginevra is connected with this idea in that 'gin' is flavored with juniper berries. So that there any way this holds any truth?Also, does anyone know how the Swiss city of Geneva got its' name?Thanks!
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Thank you!mj
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All etymology dictionnaries agree on this: Geneva, Genevieve, Ginevra, Gin and Juniper all stem from the same radix. Another proof: the French word for juniper is "genievre" and "ginebro" in Italian. Ultimately the word come from Celtic roots: "gen" ->bush and "prus" ->sharp (taste).
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ginevra is connected to juniper. leonardo da vinci did a painting of ginevra de benci which has juniper bushes in the background as a pun on her name
this has a little on the history which seems to have nothing to do with juniper, though every time i looked up ginevra, i got a bunch of hits on geneva...
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