[Opinions] WDYT of Charity?
Its one of my Nana's favourite names of all time (she is still pretty bitter that my Papa never let her use Rosamund or Charity for one of their daughters :-p) and I kind of like the idea of using it to honour her in a way.I've never actually met a Charity and I'm really not sure how it would work on a real person so at the moment I'm thinking maybe as a mn. WDYT of Charity?
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Charity Pecksniff killed it for all Dickens readers; and charity as in 'as cold as charity' isn't encouraging. What would it shorten to - Cherry?If it was me, I'd head straight for Rosamund!
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I've met two Charitys - and they were the most uncharitable, mean people. Unfortunately, I have nothing but bad associations with this one. I like other Puritan names, like Temperance, Prudence, and Constance, but Charity just doesn't appeal to me at all.
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I went to school with a Charity. We never teased her about it or anything.
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I love it. I've never met a Chaity. It is a beutiful name. I can't see a problem with someone been called Charity.
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It's kinda growing on me, it's got this Puritan vibe I rather like, and it's a bit like Verity which is my favourite virtue name. The only thing that bugs me is that it makes me think of charities as in the places you give money or your old clothes to.

This message was edited 4/11/2010, 3:41 AM

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I think it's great and I think that it should be used more. Enough Grace, let's have some Charity. I've never known one, but I don't think it would be a problem at all on a real person.
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I think it's pretty on paper, but I wouldn't want to be named Charity. Rosamund is nice though =)
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I like Charity! I think it would make a really beautiful middle name also. Matilda Charity, Arabella Charity or Isla Charity would be pretty.
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I like Charity, but prefer Verity.Charity is a very good middle name.
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I like it..there's Faith and Hope, why not Charity?
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