[Surname] meaning of Surname AVESTON
Can anyone help me with the meaning of the surname AVESTON. European name as far as I know, specifically British name for some generations now.
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Aveston is an alteration of the placename Alveston as you can see at http://is.gd/bNNJ0.
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The name means: "farmstead of Alfric". This is an English village, which nowadays has the name Alfriston. See the info and links below:Early (Saxon) names of the English village Alfriston were: "Aelfrictum" or "Alvirecston" or "Alvericheston" or "Aveston" or, nowadays, "Alfriston".
http://geovusie.nl/img/Flexgids2006.pdf (text of this website is in Dutch)"Alfriston originally known as Aelfric tun the 'farmstead of Alfric' in Anglo Saxon times, was recorded in the Domesday Book as Alvriceston and had a range of other names including Alvericheston and Aveston.
There is a possibility that the name derives from Aella fyrst tun ( Aella the Saxon's first settlement), but this is conjecture. (see our page on Aelle the Saxon )"
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