[Opinions] Eulalia?
I just noticed it was the name of the day, which gave me a chance to come back to it. WDYTO Eulalia? Any combo ideas?
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For some reason this name bothers me, sorry. I have such a hard time with the pronunciation when I say it out loud and that just irks me. If I had a daughter with this name I don't think I'd be able to say it correctly half the time. But that's my problem, not yours!
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I love Eulalia, but I am not fond of the English pronunciation. Today I am liking:
Eulalia Iris
Eulalia Penelope
Eulalia Zoe
Eulalia Sophia
Eulalia Irene
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It's nice, but I strongly prefer Eulalie (or even Eulala).
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I think it sounds clunky. The only combo I can think of is Eulalia Jane.
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How the hell do you even say that? I absolutely hate the way it looks. Gross.
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I love, love, love Eulalia! (Heck, I even like the nickname Eula ;-))
But, alas, I'd probably be too chicken to use it as a first name. I could totally see myself using it as a middle name, though.Funnily enough, I never tried too hard to find any good Eulalia combos.
Lately, however, I have taken a strange delight in
Eulalia Wren / Wren Eulalia
Eulalia Winter / Winter Eulalia
Eulalia Hesper / Hesper EulaliaSeems like I am fancying naturey names at the moment...
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I like it, but I prefer it pronounced "yu-LAH-lee-ah" to "yu-LAY-lee-ah". Eulalia Beatrix
Eulalia Maeve
Eulalia Colette
Eulalia Miyu
Eulalia Ivy
Eulalia Sabine
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I think Eulalia is really pretty.Eulalia Violet
Eulalia Odette
Eulalia Annabel
Eulalia Beatrix
Eulalia Hester
Eulalia Fern
Eulalia Bernadette
Eulalia Susan
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