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[Opinions] Re: Claire
Okay seriously you have every right to choose whatever name you want for your child. This is so silly. However that being said depending how close you are to her perhaps you may want her to have a postive association with your child and you will just elect not use the name. My aunt was given three vetos for names when her grandchildren were born. This is why many people do not share their baby names because suddenly you are influenced by others when it really is your choice. Once you share the name before the baby is born people will give their opinions. If they hear the name after the baby is born there is not much they can say about it to the parents and better keep quiet for this innocent childs sake.You sister sounds a little bit immature and you know what she may not even be with this guy in the future. Eventually the name Claire may never even bother her. However this all being said. I think you might want to consider if you want to share baby names at all with her in the future since she seems to think she has a real say and is using emotional manipulating tactics like "you don't love me".Personally use whatever name you want to.
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