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[Opinions] Re: Claire
No, she is being unreasonable. Has she even met the ex-girlfriend? Does she give any specific reason for hating her? Even if she does hate her, I say you are free to name your future children whatever you want. She can't tell you what to do. Besides, people rarely go by their middle names, and they are never mentioned unless someone asks. The odds of your daughter actually being called Claire are practically zilch, so tell your sister to chill out.
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They used to have a class together in highschool and they weren't friends but they got along fine. I think it's my sister's insecurites making her irrational. The first guy she dated didn't have a gf before her. This one did. I think she's afraid that he will leave her and go back to Claire. It may be partly exacerbated by that fact that my ex-bf cheated on me with his ex-gf and ended up marrying her, but she needs to realize that not all guys are like that.
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Yeah, she needs to calm down. For the record, I think Claire is lovely.
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