[Opinions] Re: Milo and Oona
in reply to a message by Seda*
Milo is great- am I weird for thinking of Miloh? Probably ;)
Oona could grow on me, but for now I'm not so sure. The very nice secretary at my school is named Una.
I'm really liking Miloh, ha.

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin
Oona could grow on me, but for now I'm not so sure. The very nice secretary at my school is named Una.
I'm really liking Miloh, ha.

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin
I don't like Ian at all! I've never liked this one. But Shiloh has always been one of those names that I've loved but would never use :)

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin