[Opinions] Hugh?
What do you think of the name Hugh? I'm torn on this name, some days I really like it and others days I think it sounds old man-ish. What do you think?
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I don't know, I want to like it but I just can't. Something about the sound is just really silly to me.
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Gorgeous! Reminds me of Hugh Dancy, Hugh Laurie, Hugh Jackman, etc. I love it as a nickname for Hugo!I once brought this up to my mom and I wondered aloud why more people didn't name their sons Hugh and she said, "Hugh Heffner." :(That shocked me out of loving Hugh for about a week, then I went back. :)
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I have a soft spot for it because it was my Dad's name(he was Hubert but no one called him that but his mother:))I prefer Aodh which is the Irish for Hugh but I find Hugh pretty usable. Not old mannish but I do find Hughie old mannish.
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I really really like Hugh!
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I don't think Hugh as an old man feel to it, but that's probably because it's the name of my ten year old brother, who's the least mature being in the universe.
We sometimes call him Shug, which is the scottish version because some people have an issue with pronouncing Hugh.
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I love it!
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I really like Hugh, though I kind of have difficulty pronouncing it.
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I'm torn too. I've met quite a lot of Hughs and Huws, and even the young ones do seem to have a bit of an elderly thing going on. It's not a bad name, but Hugo seems friendlier.
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I used to think it was sort of silly sounding, but the past year or so I've begun to like it. I don't think it's very old man-ish. It's rather fresh and outdoorsy to me. Perhaps flannel shirt wearing. Yes, that is excellent.
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See my comments on Bruce and Harold a couple posts up... same category. Yes, old man-ish... and my first association that comes to mind w/ it is not good because he's a famous man who not only exploits women, but abused his daughter and when she came out w/ it to the public had people threatening her over it... I forget his daughter's name now because it was years ago now, but he is not a role model whose name I'd want to associate my son w/.
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It doesn't have an elderly feel for me, but though I don't mind it at all, I think I prefer Hugo.Also, there was a wonderful international cricketer called Hugh Tayfield who was unfortunately known as Hughie. That is not good.
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One of my favorites! Super sexy!Much better than ugly Hugo! It's sexy! Some of the hottest men I know are named Hugh! (Hugh Laurie, Hugh Jackman, Hugh Grant)
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YeahHugh does sound like the kind of name a suave, sexy, British man would have.
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