[Games] Picture CAF (Judged)
First, I need to apologize for a lack of round 3 of the Create a Life game. Please don't give up on me--it's coming, I swear, and there will be more if it kills me. This is just a game to tide you all over until then. It's a picture CAF, and it'll be judged.
Not that it matters any if it's judged or not. I've given the family names for fun, is all--and so beyond the usual "most interesting" and "my favourite" categories, there's also "closest to the original names." (As an aside, I'm so glad my sisters don't visit this message board. They'd never stop laughing at me, since the parents aren't made up of whole cloth--they're a couple on my cheesey, guilty-pleasure sitcom of choice.)
Here's the family, for your naming pleasure!

(Ex-DW: )
DS (from DH's first marriage):
If you want to give them ages and tell a bit about them, that'd be great, too. I'd love to see what you come up with. :)
Array (Merry naming to all, and to all a good night)
No matter when or where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone
Not that it matters any if it's judged or not. I've given the family names for fun, is all--and so beyond the usual "most interesting" and "my favourite" categories, there's also "closest to the original names." (As an aside, I'm so glad my sisters don't visit this message board. They'd never stop laughing at me, since the parents aren't made up of whole cloth--they're a couple on my cheesey, guilty-pleasure sitcom of choice.)
Here's the family, for your naming pleasure!

(Ex-DW: )
DS (from DH's first marriage):
If you want to give them ages and tell a bit about them, that'd be great, too. I'd love to see what you come up with. :)
Array (Merry naming to all, and to all a good night)
No matter when or where you've seen
All the knives seem to lacerate your brain
I've had my share, I'll help you with the pain
You're not alone
LN: Stahl
DH: Nicolas Bryan
(Ex-DW: Miranda Elizabeth Caraway)
DW: Maria Suzanne
DS (from DH's first marriage): Ryan Nicolas
DD: Shelby Raine
DD: Chloe Renee
Nick, Maria, Ryan, Shelby, Chloe Stahl
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
DH: Nicolas Bryan
(Ex-DW: Miranda Elizabeth Caraway)
DW: Maria Suzanne
DS (from DH's first marriage): Ryan Nicolas
DD: Shelby Raine
DD: Chloe Renee
Nick, Maria, Ryan, Shelby, Chloe Stahl
**Disclaimer: None of the ideas above are mind. They are given to me by Luther and Fernando, the 10 inch space aliens living under my desk. In return they are given permission to eat any dust bunnies they may find.
LN: Jorkins
DH: Neil Joseph Jorkins (42) - A very Athletic man, Neil once had dreams of being and olypmic swimmer, but a car accident his junior year of high school quenched those. Neil has become a computer softwear engineer, but he still often flaunts the attitude of a domineering jock -- arrogent, pushy, and critical. On the other side, he is the best person to have around when you want a good laugh.
(Ex-DW: ) Tasha Lynn Dahl - She was young when she married and had Ross (she calls him Ross because she thought the name Ross was "cool"; everyone else calls her son Arnie, after Neil's father). Tasha was an artist. She felt both that she had missed out on precious life experience and that the whole married-with-a-kid thing was putting a serious stopper on her creativity, so she bailed. She wrestles with it, but can't say that she truly regrets it. In many ways, she has divorced herself more than her husband, she feels almost that the things she did before she left Neil don't count, that she was someone else. She still loves Ross, though.
DW: Marion Elaine Dzmura (47) - Marion was raised by immegrant parents. She was always a bit shy and very intelligent, not the sort of girl who was asked on lots of dates. She watched her younger sisters marry and have babies, but she was left with no one. The older she got, the most she realized that all she wanted was to marry and have children. Eventually, she met Neil.
DS (from DH's first marriage): Arnold Ross Jorkins "Arnie"/"Ross" (17) - Has his father's volitile attitude and his mother's artistic mind and desire to go against athority.
DH: Neil Joseph Jorkins (42) - A very Athletic man, Neil once had dreams of being and olypmic swimmer, but a car accident his junior year of high school quenched those. Neil has become a computer softwear engineer, but he still often flaunts the attitude of a domineering jock -- arrogent, pushy, and critical. On the other side, he is the best person to have around when you want a good laugh.
(Ex-DW: ) Tasha Lynn Dahl - She was young when she married and had Ross (she calls him Ross because she thought the name Ross was "cool"; everyone else calls her son Arnie, after Neil's father). Tasha was an artist. She felt both that she had missed out on precious life experience and that the whole married-with-a-kid thing was putting a serious stopper on her creativity, so she bailed. She wrestles with it, but can't say that she truly regrets it. In many ways, she has divorced herself more than her husband, she feels almost that the things she did before she left Neil don't count, that she was someone else. She still loves Ross, though.
DW: Marion Elaine Dzmura (47) - Marion was raised by immegrant parents. She was always a bit shy and very intelligent, not the sort of girl who was asked on lots of dates. She watched her younger sisters marry and have babies, but she was left with no one. The older she got, the most she realized that all she wanted was to marry and have children. Eventually, she met Neil.
DS (from DH's first marriage): Arnold Ross Jorkins "Arnie"/"Ross" (17) - Has his father's volitile attitude and his mother's artistic mind and desire to go against athority.