[Games] Re: Nyx' Choose-Your-Own-Adventure KUY CAF - Round 1
in reply to a message by Nyx
I'm choosing adventure one, but I am going to change it from a prom, to a college dance, if that is okay.
LN: Benett
DH: Aloysius Benedict Algernon "Al" (19)
DW: Aeronwy Aberash "Erin" (18)
DS/DD: Daymeeun Aerik "Day" / Eelyzabith Graes "Lizzie"
While Al and Erin were at their college's dance, they let off their guard. Even though they were married, they didn't intend to have children until they were out of college. Instead, nine months after the dance, Erin was in the hospital with brand new baby twins!
LN: Benett
DH: Aloysius Benedict Algernon "Al" (19)
DW: Aeronwy Aberash "Erin" (18)
DS/DD: Daymeeun Aerik "Day" / Eelyzabith Graes "Lizzie"
While Al and Erin were at their college's dance, they let off their guard. Even though they were married, they didn't intend to have children until they were out of college. Instead, nine months after the dance, Erin was in the hospital with brand new baby twins!
This message was edited 9/2/2010, 6:09 PM