[Games] Re: Nyx' Choose-Your-Own-Adventure KUY CAF - Round 1
in reply to a message by Nyx
LN/MN: Kincaid / Hawthorne
DH: Max Archer
DW: Summer Raine
DS/DD: Emmett Hunter / Everly Logan
Adventure 1
Max and Summer were inseparable from their first kiss. Max did not care what his friends thought of Summer. Summer and Max had planned out their perfect prom night. Summer could not wait for prom, she had purchased a long silk dress with a low back. Summer wanted prom to be perfect for her and Max. They both had a magnificent time at the prom and danced the night away. Max was surprised at how well he could actually move around a dance floor. That night they spent their first night together. In the midst of making sure everything was perfect Max and Summer forgot protection. A month later Summer was shocked to find out she was expecting. She was very frightened to tell Max and her parents. To her utter shock Max was so happy to be a dad. Max was a wonderful support for Summer through her whole pregnancy has her belly continued to grow. Both Max and Summer’s parents were supportive of the couple. At the first 8 week ultrasound there was an even bigger surprise when the doctor announced it would be twins. At the 20 week ultrasound Max and Summer decided to find out the sex of their twins and that they were expecting both a boy and a girl. Max and Summer were happy to announce the birth of their babies Emmett and Everly two healthy and happy babies for two healthy and happy parents.
DH: Max Archer
DW: Summer Raine
DS/DD: Emmett Hunter / Everly Logan
Adventure 1
Max and Summer were inseparable from their first kiss. Max did not care what his friends thought of Summer. Summer and Max had planned out their perfect prom night. Summer could not wait for prom, she had purchased a long silk dress with a low back. Summer wanted prom to be perfect for her and Max. They both had a magnificent time at the prom and danced the night away. Max was surprised at how well he could actually move around a dance floor. That night they spent their first night together. In the midst of making sure everything was perfect Max and Summer forgot protection. A month later Summer was shocked to find out she was expecting. She was very frightened to tell Max and her parents. To her utter shock Max was so happy to be a dad. Max was a wonderful support for Summer through her whole pregnancy has her belly continued to grow. Both Max and Summer’s parents were supportive of the couple. At the first 8 week ultrasound there was an even bigger surprise when the doctor announced it would be twins. At the 20 week ultrasound Max and Summer decided to find out the sex of their twins and that they were expecting both a boy and a girl. Max and Summer were happy to announce the birth of their babies Emmett and Everly two healthy and happy babies for two healthy and happy parents.