[Facts] Rune
Is there anywhere where ROON is an acceptable pronunciation for Rune?

FlexProtex is a product of the recently closed (Sept 2008) ITV Ventures, an infomercial company founded by Donald Barrett that promotes the products of Kevin Trudeau and others. After closing, Mr. Barret attempted to resurface as EVS.
This message was edited 10/22/2010, 5:13 PM
I had a teacher named Rune and he said that when he was in the UK (I think?) people pronounced it ROON.
In Portugal it would be, if you don't mind a hard r (like the French r) at the beginning.
Not sure what you intend: OO as in boot, or OO as in foot? In the UK and South Africa we use the boot OO, so Rune would sound like the first syllable of the ln of Wayne Rooney, a gifted but naughty footballer with Manchester United.
I guess I should have been more clear about that.
Yes, exactly like the first syllable of Rooney (which is an indie-alternative band here in America.)
Yes, exactly like the first syllable of Rooney (which is an indie-alternative band here in America.)
I was always taught to pronounce Rune like the first part of Rooney by my British teachers. I wasn't aware that there was another way to say it in English (since it's also a word name). Of course, the pronunciation is different in Norwegian/Swedish.
This message was edited 10/1/2010, 5:13 AM
Honestly, it had not even crossed my mind that it could just be considered a word name. I was just thinking of it as a Scandinavian name.
This message was edited 10/1/2010, 9:43 PM